Example 3: Generic SQL UPDATE

This example shows how to set an SQL parameter for base.SqlHandle, with the reflection API method reflect.Value.getCurrentValue().

genupd.4gl source:
IMPORT reflect
    DEFINE v_decimal DECIMAL(10,2)
    DEFINE v_money MONEY(10,2)
    DEFINE v reflect.Value
    DEFINE sqlcmd STRING

    DATABASE test1

    CREATE TEMP TABLE tt1 ( pkey INT, c_decimal DECIMAL(10,2) )
    LET v_decimal = -9999.99
    INSERT INTO tt1 VALUES ( 101, v_decimal )

    LET sqlcmd = "UPDATE tt1 SET c_decimal = ? WHERE pkey = ?"
    LET v = reflect.Value.valueOf(v_decimal)
    CALL generic_update(sqlcmd, 101, v)

    LET sqlcmd = "UPDATE tt1 SET c_decimal = ? WHERE pkey = ?"
    LET v_money = v_decimal
    LET v = reflect.Value.valueOf(v_money)
    CALL generic_update(sqlcmd, 101, v)
    -- Using the toString() method will fail with some types because of
    -- unsupported conversions.
    CALL failing_generic_update(sqlcmd, 101, v)


FUNCTION generic_update(sqlcmd STRING, pkey INTEGER, var reflect.Value)
    DEFINE h base.SqlHandle
    LET h = base.SqlHandle.create()
    CALL h.prepare(sqlcmd)
    DISPLAY "Current value = ", var.getCurrentValue()
    CALL h.setParameter( 1, var.getCurrentValue() )
    CALL h.setParameter( 2, pkey )
    CALL h.execute()

FUNCTION failing_generic_update(sqlcmd STRING, pkey INTEGER, var reflect.Value)
    DEFINE h base.SqlHandle
    LET h = base.SqlHandle.create()
    CALL h.prepare(sqlcmd)
    CALL h.setParameter( 1, var.toString() )
    CALL h.setParameter( 2, pkey )
    CALL h.execute()
Current value =     -9999.99
Current value =     $-9999.99
Program stopped at 'genupd.4gl', line number 45.
SQL statement error number -1213.
A character to numeric conversion process failed