File search with command line tools
Filename extensions are kept by command line tools.
Starting with version 3.10.00 (fix FGL-4929), the BDL command line tools fglcomp, fglmkmsg, fglmkstr, fglform and fglrun will no longer try to replace an invalid file extension by the expected file extension, in order to find the file.
Before this version, if the specified filename was not found, the tools were removing the filename part after the dot (assuming it is a file extension), and replacing it by .4gl, .msg, .str, .per or .42r/.42m, before retrying to open the file.
As a result, it was not possible to use the dot character as part of the filename, and the behavior
could lead to unexpected
fglrun => loads foo.42m if the file exists
fglrun foo.42r => loads foo.42m if the file exists
fglrun foo.42m => loads foo.42r if the file exists
Starting with 3.10.00, for example, the fglrun command is more strict, but
allows dots in the
fglrun foo.42m => loads foo.42m if the file exists
fglrun foo.42r => fails if only foo.42m exists
fglrun => fails if only foo.42m exists
fglrun => loads if the file exists
fglrun => loads if the file exists
-- Consider using no file extension with fglrun:
fglrun foo => loads foo.42m if the file exists