PROPERTIES attribute

The PROPERTIES attribute is used to define a list of widget-specific characteristics.


PROPERTIES = ( { single-property | array-property | map-property } [,...] )
where single-property is:
identifier = property-value
and array-property is:
identifier = ( property-value [,...] )
and map-property is:
identifier = ( { single-property | map-property } [,...] )
and property-value is:
{ boolean-value | numeric-value | [%]"string-value" }
  1. boolean-value is true or false.
  2. numeric-value is an integer or decimal literal.
  3. string-value is a string literal. % prefix can be used to define a localized string.


The PROPERTIES attribute is typically used to define the widget-specific attributes of a WEBCOMPONENT form item.

Property names and values are not checked, which allows you to freely set any characteristic of an external widget. Verify that the web component implementation supports the specified properties.

For more details about properties usage, see Web components.


   COMPONENTTYPE = calendar,
               type = "gregorian",
               caption = %"calendar.caption",
               week_start = 2,
               days_off = ( 1, 7 ),
               dates_off = ( "????-11-25", "????-06-20" ),
               day_titles = ( t1 = "Sunday",
                              t2 = "Monday",
                              t3 = "Tuesday",
                              t4 = "Wednesday",
                              t5 = "Thursday",
                              t6 = "Friday",
                              t7 = "Saturday" )