Attaching to a running program

It is possible to start the debugger for a program running on the same computer.


Use the fgldb command with the -p pid option, to switch an fglrun process running on the same computer into debug mode.

The fgldb command must be executed on the machine where the fglrun process executes.


The graphical debugger of Genero Studio is able to start the fgldb tool on another computer through ssh, so that it is possible to debug a program running on a remote machine. See Genero Studio documentation for more details.

The fgldb command line tool takes the fglrun process id as value for the -p argument.

Before starting a debug session, make sure that you fulfill the prerequisites for debugging.

Debug a program running on a UNIX server

First, identify the process id of the fglrun program running on your server.

For example, on a UNIX® platform, use the ps command:
$ ps a | grep fglrun
10646 pts/0    S+     0:00 /opt/myapp/fgl/lib/fglrun stockinfo.42m
When using the Genero Application Server, inspect the GAS log files to find the pid of a fglrun process running behind a GAS application server. Enable full log reports in the GAS to get detailed information about process execution.

You may want to debug processes that use a lot of machine resources (processor, memory or open files). Use a system utility to find a process id by resources used (for example, the top command on Linux®).

Execute the fgldb tool with the process id of the program you want to attach to:
$ fgldb -p 10646
108	    DISPLAY ARRAY contlist TO sr.*
The (fgldb) prompt indicates that you are now connected to the fglrun process, and the program flow is suspended. To continue with the program flow, enter the "continue" debugger command:
(fgldb) continue
The application will then resume. To suspend the program again and enter debugger commands, press CTRL-C in the debug console. fgldb will display the interrupt message and return control to the debugger:
108	    DISPLAY ARRAY contlist TO sr.*
At this point, you can enter debugger commands. For example, set a break point and continue until the break point is reached:
(fgldb) b 427
Breakpoint 2 at 0x00000000: file contacts.4gl, line 427.
(fgldb) continue 
Breakpoint 2, edit_contact() at contacts.4gl:427
427	    IF new THEN
To finish the debug session, close the connection with the "detach" debugger command:
(fgldb) detach
Connection closed by foreign host.