Identifying elements in ui.Form methods

In ui.Form methods such as setElementHidden() and setFieldHidden(), the first parameter identifies an AUI node by its name attribute.

With ui.Form.setElement*() methods, the name specified as first parameter defines the AUI node(s) to be modified.

When several AUI nodes share the same name, the ui.Form.setElement*() methods will change all matching nodes.

With ui.Form.setField*() methods, the name specified as first parameter is the name of a form field node, the parent node of the view node to be modified.

Methods like ui.Form.setFieldHidden() change rendering attributes like hidden and style, while methods such as ui.Dialog.setFieldActive() are functional and related to dialog management.

AUI nodes are identified in XML/DOM trees by the name attribute and are case sensitive. When defining form elements in the form specification file, element names will be converted to lowercase letters in the .42f file. The name of the element passed as parameter to the ui.Form methods can use the same letter case as the in the form definition: The lookup is case-insensitive.

In the form file:

EDIT f1 = Customer.CustAddr;
In the .42f file:
<FormField name="customer.custaddr" ... >
   <Edit ... />
In the program code:
INPUT BY NAME r_cust.*
   ON ACTION hide_field
      CALL DIALOG.getForm().setFieldHidden("Customer.CustAddr", 1)