Global Endpoint type definition

The client stub references a global endpoint user-defined type, WSHelper.tGlobalEndpointType.

The tGlobalEndpointType global type is used by any generated client stub to allow the programmer to change the client behavior at runtime.
PUBLIC TYPE tGlobalEndpointType RECORD  # End point
	Address RECORD # Address
	   Uri STRING  # URI
	Binding RECORD # Binding
	   Version STRING,	# HTTP Version (1.0 or 1.1)
	   Cookie STRING,	 # Cookie to be set
	   Request RECORD	 # HTTP request
             Headers DYNAMIC ARRAY OF RECORD  # HTTP Headers
	        Name STRING,
	        Value STRING
	   Response RECORD # HTTP response
             Headers DYNAMIC ARRAY OF RECORD # HTTP Headers
	         Name STRING,
                Value STRING
             END RECORD
          END RECORD,
          ConnectionTimeout INTEGER,  # Connection timeout
          ReadWriteTimeout INTEGER,   # Read write timeout
          CompressRequest STRING      # HTTP request compression mode (gzip or deflate)

Description of variables:

  • Address.Uri: Represents the location of the server.

    It replaces the global variable of type STRING generated prior to version 2.40, therefore it is mandatory to regenerate the client stub and to modify the location assignation in your application.

  • Binding.Version: Represents the HTTP version to use for communication (only 1.0 or 1.1 allowed, default is 1.1).

  • Binding.Cookie: Represents the HTTP cookie to use for communication (or NULL if there is no cookie to send).

  • Binding.ConnectionTimeout : Represents the maximum time in seconds to wait for the establishment of the connection to the server.

  • Binding.ReadWriteTimeout: Represents the maximum time in seconds to wait for a connection read or write operation before breaking the connection.