LET req =
|| add_in.a || "&b=" || add_in.b)
The client creates the HTTP request, which is a URL consisting of a path and parameters.
LET m_reqInfo.path = req.getUrlPath()
CALL req.getUrlQuery(m_reqInfo.items)
The server parses out the path and the query from the HTTP service request.
CALL req.setMethod("GET")
The client sets the method with the verb "GET".
LET m_reqInfo.method = req.getMethod()
The server parses out the method verb from the HTTP service request.
CALL req.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
The client sets the Content-Type header request.
LET m_reqInfo.ctype = getHeaderByName(req,"Content-Type")
IF m_reqInfo.ctype.getIndexOf("/xml",1) THEN
LET m_reqInfo.informat = "XML"
LET m_reqInfo.informat = "JSON"
The server parses out the value of the Content-Type header request.
CALL req.setHeader("Accept", "application/json")
The client sets the Accept header request.
LET m_reqInfo.caccept = getHeaderByName(req,"Accept")
IF m_reqInfo.caccept.getIndexOf("/xml",1) THEN
LET m_reqInfo.outformat = "XML"
LET m_reqInfo.outformat = "JSON"
The server parses out the value of the Accept header request.
CALL req.doRequest()
The client submits the request.
LET req = com.WebServiceEngine.getHTTPServiceRequest(-1)
The server receives the HTTP service request.
LET resp = req.getResponse()
LET info.response = resp.getTextResponse()
CALL util.JSON.parse(info.response, add_out)
The client:
- retrieves the HTTP response using a method of the
com.HttpRequest class,
- returns it as a string using methods of the
com.HttpResponse class, and
- parses out the desired value using methods of the
util.JSON class.
This example is for JSON; if the data is XML instead, then the
methods doXmlRequest() and
getXmlResponse() would be used instead of
getting a text response and JSON parsing.
CALL req.setResponseHeader("Content-Type","application/json")
CALL req.sendTextResponse(200, "OK", util.JSON.stringify(output_variable))
The server returns a response to the client.