Records and functions

Records can be passed as function parameters, and can be returned from functions.

Passing and returning records as structured values

Records can be passed as a structured value to a function or to a method, when you specify only the name of the record as parameter (i.e. without the .* notation).


For better compiler checking, functions should be defined with the fully typed syntax; Note that methods for types can only be defined with a fully typed syntax.

For example:
TYPE t_cust RECORD LIKE customer.*
FUNCTION display_customer( cust t_cust ) RETURNS ()
    DEFINE cust_1 t_cust
    CALL display_customer( cust_1 )

This syntax improves code readability and robustness: A compilation error occurs, if the types do not match.

Records can be returned as a structured value, if the function/method is defined with a RETURNS clause, and when only the name of the record variable is used in the RETURN instruction:
FUNCTION init_customer() RETURNS ( t_cust )
    DEFINE c t_cust    
    LET c.cust_id = 999
    RETURN c
    DEFINE cust_1 t_cust
    LET cust_1 = init_customer()

Passing records by reference with INOUT

Records can be passed to functions by reference, if the function is defined with the INOUT keyword:
TYPE t_cust RECORD LIKE customer.*
FUNCTION init_customer( cust t_cust INOUT ) RETURNS ()
    LET cust.cust_id = 101
    DEFINE cust_1 t_cust
    CALL init_customer( cust_1 )
    DISPLAY cust_1.cust_id -- Shows 101

Passing and returning records with .* notation


The .* (dot-star) notation to pass and return records to/from functions is supported for backward compatibility. Consider to define functions with parameter and return type definitions, and use only the name of the record variable as parameter or return value target. See Passing and returning records as structured values

When passing records to functions with the record-name.* notation, the record is expanded, as if each individual member had been passed by value:
TYPE t_cust RECORD LIKE customer.*
FUNCTION display_customer( cust )
    DEFINE cust t_cust
    DEFINE cust_1 t_cust
    CALL display_customer( cust_1.* )