Hiding and showing default action views

If needed, default action views can be hidden or shown.

When an action is rendered with a default action view (for example, by a button on the action frame of a desktop front-end, or in the top action panel on a mobile front-end), it is sometimes required to hide the action button when the operation is not possible and there is not much space on the screen.


Hiding an action will only make the default action view invisible, if there is a keyboard accelerator associated to the action, it can still fire the action. Consider disabling the action completely with setActionActive().

During a dialog instruction, show or hide an action with the setActionHidden() method of the ui.Dialog built-in class. This method takes the name of the action (in lowercase letters) and a boolean expression (FALSE or TRUE) as arguments:
    CALL DIALOG.setActionHidden( "zoom", TRUE )
Consider centralizing action visibility control in a setup function specific to the dialog, passing the DIALOG object as the parameter. Centralizing the action activation defines the rules in a single location:
FUNCTION cust_dialog_setup(d)
  DEFINE d ui.Dialog
  DEFINE can_modify BOOLEAN
  LET can_modify = (cust_rec.is_new OR user_info.is_admin)
  CALL d.setActionActive("update", can_modify)
  CALL d.setActionHidden("update", IIF(can_modify,0,1))
  CALL d.setActionActive("delete", can_modify)
  CALL d.setActionHidden("delete", IIF(can_modify,0,1))
Pay attention to multi-level action definitions inside a DIALOG block: Inside a DIALOG block, actions must be hidden/shown with the ui.Dialog.setActionHidden() method by specifying a simple action name:
     CALL DIALOG.setActionHidden( "print", TRUE )
   ON ACTION query 
     -- query the database and fill the record
     CALL DIALOG.setActionHidden( "print", (cust_id IS NULL) )