Web Services changes

There are changes in support of web services in Genero 4.00.

Security Note: sameSite HTTP cookie attribute

When using HTTP cookies, make sure to check the sameSite attribute usage.

For more details, see Changes to how GWS handles cookies and Single sign-on (OpenID Connect, SAML, and GIP) sameSite security.

Validation checks on high-level REST

Starting with version 4.00, the GWS performs the following validation checks on the high-level REST function and the compiler raises errors if validation fails.
  • If you use WSPost, WSPut, or WSPatch as REST resource operation, the FUNCTION must have at least one REST input body. Not specifying this will cause the error-9106. However, you can set WSOptional if a message body is not always required.

  • If you use WSGet, WSHead, WSDelete, WSOptions, or WSTrace as the REST resource operation, the FUNCTION must not have a request (input) body. Specifying these requests with a message body will cause the error-9106 or error-9128.
  • If you use WSHead, WSOptions, WSTrace, or WSPatch as the REST resource operation, the FUNCTION must not have a REST response (output) body. Specifying these responses with a message body will cause the error-9129.
  • WSPath cannot have the same verb more than once for the same path, otherwise the error-9127 is thrown.

For more information on use of HTTP verbs and their corresponding RESTful high-level API attributes, see HTTP verbs and attributes.

Changes to the high-level REST Web services URL format

Starting with version 4.00, there are changes to RESTful Web service URL using the high-level API. It is a change to the format of the URL you use to access services; it does not involve any application configuration changes. The new format enhances the way Genero Web Services (GWS) finds resources.

The previous URL was:
The new URL is:
The new REST URL includes two new path elements for when Web services are deployed on the Genero Application Server (GAS):
group-name (optional)
If your Web services is part of a group of Web services configured on the GAS, you must provide the group name. If it does not belong to a group, group-name can be omitted; in this case, the Web service belongs to the default group, which does not have to be named in the URL.
You must provide the Web services configuration filename. For example, if the configuration file is myServices.xcf, you specify "myServices" for the xcf-file path element.

For more information, see REST resource URI naming practice.

Default REST media type JSON for records and arrays

Starting with version 4.00, the REST server generates JSON (application/json) as the default MIME type for records and arrays. If you do not set the data format with a WSMedia attribute, the GWS defaults to serializing the record or array as JSON.

In version 3.20, the default was either JSON (application/json) or XML (application/xml). You can restore this default behavior by calling the REST service engine to set the option at runtime:

For examples using WSMedia, see REST API reference (high-level framework).

Changes to how fglrestful handles errors in the stub

When upgrading your RESTful Web services from version 3.20 to version 4.00, be aware of the changes to how Genero Web Server (GWS) errors are handled in the client stub.

The wsError record now handles unexpected errors in the client stub. This has implications for how you handle server errors in your client application.
  • With version 3.20, the GWS returned a "-1" in the return status code (wsstatus) of the client-stub function for a GWS runtime error, such as the service not running. No further details were available to the client.
  • With version 4.00, the client application now gets details of the error (code and description) from the wsError record.
There is also a change to how you can use the status code (wsstatus) to trap errors. You must now code in the following way:
  • If wsstatus < 0, check wsError for details. The wsError allows you to get details of the error. Its code field will have a value of either < 0 (if it is a GWS runtime error) or the HTTP status code. Its description field will have a message.

    If the status code is less than zero, it indicates a GWS runtime error, such as -15333, or it indicates an HTTP error that the stub could not handle because it was not specified in the openapi.json.

  • If wsstatus == 0, there is no error.
  • If wsstatus > 0, check the related error record for details. This error is expected, for example, it is specified in the openapi.json, and fglrestful has generated the userError record in the stub that can return details.
For an example and more details about handling server errors in the client, see Handle GWS REST server errors.

Changes to how fglwsdl generates stubs and uses linking

Prior to version 4.00, The fglwsdl tool generated two files from a WSDL:
  • a stub file (.4gl).
  • a Genero BDL include source file (.inc), also known as a globals file, that was linked with the stub file (.4gl).

Starting with version 4.00, fglwsdl no longer creates an .inc file. It now generates one stub file that defines all types and variables, considered global, as PUBLIC modular types and variables that you can access using the IMPORT FGL statement.

For GWS services or applications written prior to version 4.00, you can still use the .inc file and traditional linking by running the fglwsdl tool with the legacy option.

If you are generating stub files for a new GWS service or application, where you previously included (for example) a GLOBALS "ws_myGlobals.inc " statement, you must now use IMPORT FGL statements instead:
  • Import the stub file with an IMPORT FGL ws_myStub statement in your client app.
  • If you are using the wsError record, it is now defined in the WSHelper module. You must import this module with an IMPORT FGL WSHelper statement.
  • It is recommended to call functions in the stub using their qualified names. For example, use CALL ws_myStub.Add(1,2) instead of CALL Add(1,2) or CALL callback_module.HandleRequest() instead of CALL HandleRequest().

Linking is no longer required when compiling.

For further details, see fglwsdl.

Changes to how fglwsdl generates the client stub

Starting with version 4.00, there are changes to how fglwsdl generates stubs and uses linking. The fglwsdl -c command generates one stub file where it defines all types and variables, considered global, as PUBLIC modular types and variables that you can access using the IMPORT FGL statement. For example of the command and its use, see Generate client stub file and WS client stubs and handlers.

For GWS applications written prior to version 4.00, you can still use the .inc file and traditional linking by creating it with the fglwsdl -c -legacy command. For further details, see legacy option.

Changes to how fglwsdl generates the server stub

Starting with version 4.00, there are changes to how fglwsdl generates stubs and uses linking. The fglwsdl -s command generates one stub file where it defines all types and variables, considered global, as PUBLIC modular types and variables that you can access using the IMPORT FGL statement. The command requires a mandatory filename as the name of the module where you write the functions for the service operations. For example of the command and its use, see Generate server stub file and Example 2: Writing a server using third-party WSDL (the fglwsdl tool).

For GWS services written prior to version 4.00, you can still use the .inc file and traditional linking by creating it with the fglwsdl -s -legacy command. For further details, see legacy option.

Changes to how fglwsdl generates the client stub with DOM API

Starting with version 4.00, there are changes to how fglwsdl generates stubs and uses linking. The fglwsdl -domhandler command tool option (to create a client stub file from a WSDL based on the DOM API) generates one stub file where it defines all types and variables, considered global, as PUBLIC modular types and variables that you can access using the IMPORT FGL statement.

You must give the command a mandatory filename, as the name of the module where you write the callback functions for the service operations. For example:
fglwsdl -domHandler callback_module -o myDomStub service.wsdl

For more information on its use, see The generated callback handlers.

For GWS applications written prior to version 4.00, you can still create the .inc file and traditional linking by running the fglwsdl -domHandler -legacy command.

WSContext supports multipart content

Starting with version 4.00, the high-level REST API supports setting multipart content-type via the WSContext dictionary variable. For example, in FGLGWS 3.20 you could set the Content-Type for data, such as an image file, in the body of the message at runtime using the WSContext dictionary. From GWS version 4.00 onwards you can set the Content-Type for each data part in a multipart message. For more information, see WSContext.

REST API supports versioning

Starting with FGLGWS version 4.00.03, the high-level REST API supports versioning via the WSVersion (function) attribute. In FGLGWS 3.20 you could set the version of operations by hand setting either the URI path or a custom header in the operations. Now you can set a default version for the entire Web service with the WSVersion (module) attribute, and you can specify whether versioning is done through URI Path, query parameters, or custom header with the WSVersionMode attribute. For more information, see Version a REST web service API.

Changes in earlier versions

Make sure to check the upgrade notes of earlier versions, to not miss changes introduced in maintenance releases. For more details, see Web services changes in BDL 3.20.

Notable changes introduced in maintenance releases: