The TypeInfo class

The base.TypeInfo class creates a DOM node from a structured program variable.

You can use this class to do program variables introspection, in order to get the data type names and values in a DOM node, that can be traversed with the XML utility classes, or to be serialized in a file for export purpose.

The base.TypeInfo class does not have to be instantiated: you can directly use the create() method.

A serialized DOM node created by base.TypeInfo class looks for example as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"? encoding="ISO-8859-1">
  <Field type="INTEGER" value="234" name="key"/>
  <Field type="CHAR(20)" value="Johnson" name="lastname"/>
  <Field type="DATE" value="12/24/1962" name="birthdate"/>
Steps to use the class:
  • Define a variable with the om.DomNode type.
  • Create a DOM node with base.TypoInfo.create( var ) and assign it to the DOM node variable.
  • Use the created DOM node.

For example, to convert a list of database records to XML, fetch rows from a database table in a structured array, specify the array as the input parameter for the base.TypeInfo.create() method to create a new base.DomNode object, and serialize the resulting DOM node to a file by using the node.writeXml() method. You can then pass the resulting file to any application that is able to read XML for input.


Consider using the JSON interface to serialize and deserialize program variables.