Example 2: Producing an XML file with om.SaxDocumentHandler

This example shows how to write an XML file by using a SAX document handler object created from the om.XmlWriter.createFileWriter() method:
    DEFINE w om.SaxDocumentHandler
    DEFINE a om.SaxAttributes

    LET a = om.SaxAttributes.create()

    LET w = om.XmlWriter.createFileWriter("output.xml")
    CALL w.startDocument()
    CALL w.startElement("Foo", NULL)
    CALL w.processingInstruction("PI2", "val")

    CALL w.startElement("Foo1", NULL)
    CALL w.characters("foo bar")
    CALL w.skippedEntity("nbsp")
    CALL w.EndElement("Foo1")

    CALL w.endElement("Foo")
    CALL w.endDocument()