Map a Xml.DomDocument object to a wildcard XML element:

DEFINE myVar RECORD ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="Root",XMLNamespace="http://tempuri.org")
  any   Xml.DomDocument ATTRIBUTES(XMLAny,XMLNamespace="##other"),
  val2  FLOAT   ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="Val2")
<pre:Root xmlns:pre="http://tempuri.org" >
  <pre2:Doc xmlns:pre2="http://www.mycompany.com">
Associated with XMLAny, the XMLNamespace attribute requires either:
  • A list of space-separated URIs to accept each attribute belonging to one of this namespace URI as a wildcard attribute.
  • The value ##any to accept any attribute as a wildcard attribute.
  • The value ##other to accept any attribute not in the main schema namespace as a wildcard attribute.

For example:

  • If XMLNamespace="http://tmpuri.org http://www.mycompany.com", then only the XML documents belonging to one of those namespaces will be accepted and serialized (or deserialized) into the Xml.DomDocument object.
  • If XMLNamespace="##any", then any XML document will be accepted and serialized (or deserialized) into the Xml.DomDocument object.
  • If XMLNamespace="##other", then any XML document not belonging to the targetNamespace of the XML Schema where the any definition is used will be accepted and serialized (or deserialized) into the Xml.DomDocument object.