
The fglformatdiff tool reformats source lines of a unified diff text.


[ command-producing-diff-output | ] fglformatdiff [options]
  1. The fglformatdiff command gets input from stdin stream.
  2. options are described in Table 1.


Table 1. fglformatdiff options
Option Description
-h or --help Displays options for the tool.
-i or --inplace Reformats the source files referenced in the diff text instead of writing the diff with reformated code to stdout.
-p=num or --strip=num Strip the smallest prefix containing num leading slashes from the filename found in the diff data.
-v or --verbose Output the new diff to stdout. Ineffective without -i/--inplace.
-e or --assume-name=name editor support: assume this name when reading from a temporary file.
-c or --cursor=pos editor support: define the the cursor position


The fglformatdiff command line tool reads a unified diff text from the (stdin) standard input stream, calculates what lines have changed and calls the formatter (fglcomp --format) to reformat the modified lines.


If GIT is your version control system, use fglgitformat instead of fglformatdiff: fglgitformat is designed for GIT. fglformatdiff is provided for other version control systems such as CVS and SVN.

The fglformatdiff tool is to be used after modifying sources, and before committing the changes into the repository of the version control system.


The diff data must be in unified format and contain only modified lines (with no context lines). To get no context lines, use the diff -U / --unified option with the parameter value 0 (zero).

By default, fglformdiff writes the new diff result to the (stdout) standard output stream, after reformatting the lines provided in the input diff text. Use the --inplace option to modify directly the source files referenced by the diff text. Additionally, you can use the --verbose option to print the changes to stdout:
svn diff --diff-cmd=diff -x-U0 | fglformatdiff --inplace --verbose
Use the --strip=num option to remove leading path elements of the filenames of the diff text. For example, when in the root directory or a GIT project, a git diff will produce filenames with a leading a/ and b/ prefixes:
$ git diff -U0
diff --git a/database/tools/ext.4gl b/database/tools/ext.4gl
--- a/database/tools/ext.4gl
+++ b/database/tools/ext.4gl
To process such diff text with the fglformatdiff, you must use the --strip=1 option:
git diff -U0 | fglformatdiff --inplace --strip=1