Configuring actions

Action attributes related to decoration, keyboard shortcuts, and behavior can be defined with action attributes.

Action attributes define attributes for actions, including decoration such as text, icon, comment, as well as keyboard accelerator (Ctrl-?, function keys), and also semantics such as current field validation control when an action is fired.

The action attributes can be defined in different ways:

  1. Common action attributes can be centralized in a global action defaults file with the .4ad extension.
  2. Form-specific action attributes can be defined for all action views of a form definition file, with the ACTION DEFAULTS section, including functional attributes for the dialog controlling the form.
  3. Form-item specific action view attributes (decoration only) can be defined directly at the item level (labels, icons, comments).
  4. Default action views attributes can be defined at dialog level in programs, with the ATTRIBUTES() clause of ON ACTION handlers, and changed dynamically with methods such as ui.Dialog.setActionText(). This applies only to default action views.

Action attributes do not only define action view decoration; it is possible to define the semantics of an action, for example by using the VALIDATE action default attribute. Functional attributes take effect for a given action when the dialog implementing the action handler becomes active.

Action attributes are particularly important for rendering the default action view (when there is no explicit action view defined in the form). This is typically the case when no form is associated with the dialog.

Action attributes can be defined with action defaults. Common action defaults are defined in a global action defaults (.4ad) file, while form specific actions are define within the ACTION DEFAULTS section of form files.

If a dialog is not attached to a specific form such as an independent MENU, define the action attributes with the ATTRIBUTES clause of ON ACTION handlers, to render the default view and configure the action semantics. Attributes defined by ON ACTION action-name ATTRIBUTES() will only be applied to the default action view: The elements in the forms do not get decoration attributes defined by dialog action handlers.

The final decoration and functional attribute values are set in this order of precedence:
  1. The decoration attributes defined in the action view form element definition itself (such as a BUTTON) - For default action views, the specific attributes can be defined in the ATTRIBUTES clause of an ON ACTION handler, or dynamically with dialog methods such as ui.Dialog.setActionText().
  2. Functional attributes in the ATTRIBUTES clause of an ON ACTION handler (such as VALIDATE=NO).
  3. Decoration and functional attributes defined for the action in the ACTION DEFAULTS section of the current form.
  4. Decoration and functional attributes defined for the action in the global action defaults file (.4ad).

The global action defaults can be loaded at runtime with ui.Interface.loadActionDefaults, and the form-specific ACTION DEFAULTS section can be loaded with ui.Form.loadActionDefaults. These solutions are typically used in a migration process, to get action views decoration without modifying existing .per forms.

The syntax for defining action attributes depends on the context where the action attributes are defined:


Consider the following parts of code related to the same action definition, namely "print":

1. A BUTTON item defined in the form specification file:

 BUTTON b1: print, TEXT="Print item";

2. A dialog instruction with code defining the ON ACTION handler with an ATTRIBUTES clause:


3. The form ACTION DEFAULTS section defining:

  ACTION print (IMAGE="printer",
                COMMENT="Print the order",

4. A global .4ad action defaults file defining:

  <ActionDefault name="print" text="Print" image="smiley" />

When the dialog executes, the "print" action will get the following functional attributes:

  • validate = "no" - from the dialog ON ACTION handler
  • acceleratorName = "control-p" - from the form ACTION DEFAULTS section
  • contextMenu = "no" - from the form ACTION DEFAULTS section

The form button (the action view) will get the following decoration attribute values:

  • text = "Print item" - from the BUTTON form item
  • image = "printer" - from the form ACTION DEFAULTS section
  • comment = "Print the order" - from the form ACTION DEFAULTS section