Global Endpoint type definition

The client stub references a global endpoint user-defined type, WSHelper.tGlobalEndpointType.

The tGlobalEndpointType global type is used by any generated client stub to allow the programmer to change the client behavior at runtime.
PUBLIC TYPE tGlobalEndpointType RECORD  # End point
	Address RECORD # Address
	   Uri STRING  # URI
	Binding RECORD # Binding
	   Version STRING,	# HTTP Version (1.0 or 1.1)
	   Cookie STRING,	 # Cookie to be set
	   Request RECORD	 # HTTP request
             Headers DYNAMIC ARRAY OF RECORD  # HTTP Headers
	        Name STRING,
	        Value STRING
	   Response RECORD # HTTP response
             Headers DYNAMIC ARRAY OF RECORD # HTTP Headers
	         Name STRING,
                Value STRING
             END RECORD
          END RECORD,
          ConnectionTimeout INTEGER,  # Connection timeout
          ReadWriteTimeout INTEGER,   # Read write timeout
          CompressRequest STRING      # HTTP request compression mode (gzip or deflate)

Description of variables:

  • Address.Uri: Represents the location of the server.
    Important: It replaces the global variable of type STRING generated prior to version 2.40, therefore it is mandatory to regenerate the client stub and to modify the location assignation in your application.
  • Binding.Version: Represents the HTTP version to use for communication (only 1.0 or 1.1 allowed, default is 1.1).

  • Binding.Cookie: Represents the HTTP cookie to use for communication (or NULL if there is no cookie to send).

  • Binding.ConnectionTimeout : Represents the maximum time in seconds to wait for the establishment of the connection to the server.

  • Binding.ReadWriteTimeout: Represents the maximum time in seconds to wait for a connection read or write operation before breaking the connection.