VBox style attributes

VBox presentation style attributes apply to an VBox element.

Note: This topic lists presentation style attributes for a specific class of form element, common presentation style attributes can also be used for this type of element.


When the HBox is defined with the SPLIT attribute, the navigationArrows style attribute controls left and right naviation arrows for the view, to let the end user navigate between child containers of the box.

Values can be "yes", "no" (default).


When the VBox is defined with ORIENTATION=HORIZONTAL and with the SPLIT attribute, the navigationDots style attribute controls the navigation dots created for the view, to let the end user navigate between child containers of the box.

By default, to switch between splitted HBOX/VBOX child containers (using SPLIT attribute), navigation dots are displayed on regular desktop screens with mouse device, and on mobile/touchscreen devices, when the NOSWIPE attribute is used by the HBOX/VBOX.

Values can be "yes" (default when NOSWIPE is used), "no" (default otherwise).