Install Genero Mobile for iOS (single version)

To build and package Genero Mobile for iOS (GMI) applications, you must first install GMI. This topic explains how to install a unique GMI version/package into FGLDIR.

Before you begin:

The installation and licensing of Genero products requires you to read and accept the End User License Agreement, which can be found on the Four Js website at

Important: The GMI and Genero BDL X.YZ versions are interdependent in terms of pcode compatibility. To build a GMI 3.21 embedded app, the source code needs to be compiled with Genero BDL 3.21. The Genero BDL runtime version used by GMI embedded apps can be found with the gmibuildtool -V command.
  • Download the Genero Mobile for iOS (GMI) distribution archive from the Four Js Web site. GMI can only be installed on a Mac® OS X computer.
  • Install Genero Business Development Language. See Installing Genero BDL for more details.
Follow this procedure if you are using only one version of GMI for a Genero BDL installation.
Important: When re-installing a new GMI archive, remove all "build" directories created by the gmibuildtool.
  1. Install Xcode®.
    The Xcode version must support the iOS versions of your mobile devices.
    Tip: As a general rule, update the Xcode and iOS to the latest versions
  2. Define the FGLDIR environment variable with the Genero BDL installation directory.
    $ export FGLDIR=/opt/fourjs/fglgws-3.10 
  3. Extract the GMI distribution archive (fjs-gmi-*.zip) into FGLDIR.
    The GMI distribution archive contains the GMI buildtool and the needed iOS libraries and helper scripts.
    $ unzip -q -o -d $FGLDIR fgl-gmi-*.zip
  4. If you have installed Cordova plugins, you need to re-install the plugins with the --install-plugin option of gmibuildtool. For more details, see Installing Cordova plugins.