Attributes for high-level RESTful Genero Web Services.
The attributes listed in Table 1 cannot have values.
Table 1. HTTP verb attributes
Attribute |
Description |
In order to remove an existing resource, you set the WSDelete
attribute. |
In order to retrieve a resource, you set the WSGet
attribute. |
In order to create a new resource, you set the WSPost
attribute. |
Update an existing resource with the WSPut attribute. |
Table 2. URL path attributes
Attribute |
Description |
WSPath = "/{ path-element | value-template } [/...]"
Specifies a path to a REST Web service resource that identifies its
function and allows parameters to be passed in the URL. |
Table 5. Module level attributes
Attribute |
Description |
Defines an injection variable to retrieve REST operation context
values at the service level. |
WSError= "description"
Specifies a description of the status-code that is returned in the HTTP response. |
Specify information about the Web service such as title, version,
contact details, scopes, etc. |
Table 6. Error handling attributes
Attribute |
Description |
WSThrows = "{ code | code:description | code:@variable } [,...]"
Defines a list of errors that may be encountered accessing a REST
resource. |
WSRetCode= "{ code | code:description } "
Defines the HTTP success status sent in the REST response.
Table 7. Security handling attributes
Attribute |
Description |
WSScope = "{ scope } [,...]"
Specify security in the REST service via scopes. |