
Map a one-dimensional dynamic array to wildcard XML attributes.


DEFINE myVar RECORD ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="Root", XMLNamespace="http://tempuri.org")
  val2  FLOAT   ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="Val2"),
  attr  STRING  ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="Attr", XMLAttribute),
  any   DYNAMIC ARRAY ATTRIBUTES(XMLAnyAttribute, XMLNamespace="##other")OF RECORD
    ns  STRING,
    name  STRING,
    value  STRING
<pre:Root xmlns:pre="http://tempuri.org" pre:Attr="10"
 xmlns:pre2="http://www.mycompany.com" pre2:AnyAttr1="10" pre2:AnyAttr2="">
  1. The attribute XMLAnyAttribute is only allowed on a one-dimensional dynamic array of a record with three members of type STRING. The first member is for the namespace of the wildcard attribute, the second member is for the name of the wildcard attribute, and the third member is for the value of the wildcard attribute. The name cannot be null.
  2. Associated with the XMLAnyAttribute, the XMLNamespace attribute requires either:
    • A list of space-separated URIs to accept each attribute belonging to one of the namespace URIs as a wildcard attribute.
    • The value ##any to accept any attribute as a wildcard attribute.
    • The value ##other to accept any attribute not in the main schema namespace as a wildcard attribute.
    For example:
    • If XMLNamespace="http://tmpuri.org http://www.mycompany.com", then only the attributes belonging to one of those namespaces will be accepted and serialized (or deserialized) into the array.
    • If XMLNamespace="##any", then any attribute will be accepted and serialized (or deserialized) into the array.
    • If XMLNamespace="##other", then any attributes not belonging to the targetNamespace of the XML Schema where the anyAttribute definition is used will be accepted and serialized (or deserialized) into the array.