Creating the topmenu dynamically

Topmenus can be created at runtime by creating the corresponding XML representation in the AUI tree.

In the abstract user interface tree, the TopMenu node must be created under the Form node, and must contain TopMenuGroup nodes. The TopMenuGroup nodes group topmenu commands and other topmenu groups. A TopMenuCommand is a leaf node in the topmenu tree that will trigger an action:

   +- TopMenuGroup
      +- TopMenuCommand
      +- TopMenuCommand
      +- TopMenuCommand
   +- TopMenuGroup
      +- TopMenuGroup
         +- TopMenuCommand
         +- TopMenuCommand
      +- TopMenuGroup
         +- TopMenuCommand
         +- TopMenuCommand
         +- TopMenuCommand
This example shows how to create a topmenu in all forms by using the default initialization function and the om.DomNode class:
CALL ui.Form.setDefaultInitializer("myinit")
OPEN FORM f1 FROM "form1"
FUNCTION myinit(form)
  DEFINE form ui.Form 
  DEFINE f om.DomNode 
  LET f = form.getNode()
After getting the DOM node of the form, create a node with the "TopMenu" tag name:
DEFINE tm om.DomNode 
LET tm = f.createChild("TopMenu")
For each Topmenu group, create a subnode with the "TopMenuGroup" tag name and set the attributes to define the group:
DEFINE tmg om.DomNode 
LET tmg = tm.createChild("TopMenuGroup")
CALL tmg.setAttribute("text","Reports")
For each Topmenu option, create a sub-node in a group node with the "TopMenuCommand" tag name and set the attributes to define the option:
DEFINE tmi om.DomNode 
LET tmi = tmg.createChild("TopMenuCommand")
CALL tmi.setAttribute("name","report")
CALL tmi.setAttribute("text","Order report")
CALL tmi.setAttribute("comment","Orders entered today")
CALL tmi.setAttribute("image","smiley")
If needed, you can create a "TopMenuSeparator" node inside a group, to separate menu options:
DEFINE tms om.DomNode 
LET tms = tmg.createChild("TopMenuSeparator")