
When providing a value for style attributes that define color, you can specify a generic color name or its RGB value.

This section describes how to specify a value for style attributes defining colors, such as textColor.


{ generic-color | #rrggbb }
  1. generic-color is any of the predefined colors supported by the language.
  2. #rrggbb is a numerical color defined by a red/green/blue specification.


Colors can be used at different places, typically in style attributes like backgroundColor.

The language defines a set of generic color names, interpreted by the front-end depending on the graphical capability of the workstation.

RGB notation

When a predefined color is not what you require, you can specify the exact color with the RGB notation, starting with a # hash character: <Style name="Edit.mandatory"> <StyleAttribute name="textColor" value="#50AEFF" /> </Style>

Each value of the RGB color specification must be provided in hexadecimal, in the range [00-FF].

GBC System Colors

The next table lists the system colors names that can be used in a color style attribute. Note that the corresponding GBC theme variable gets the same name as the system color, with the "$gbc-genero-" prefix:

Table 1. GBC system color names
System color name GBC Theme Variable Description
appWorkSpace $gbc-genero-appWorkSpace Same as window.
background $gbc-genero-background Background color.
buttonFace $gbc-genero-buttonFace Button background color.
buttonText $gbc-genero-buttonText Text color of buttons.
grayText $gbc-genero-grayText Grayed (disabled) text.
highLight $gbc-genero-highLight Background color of row(s) selected in a array.
highLightText $gbc-genero-highLightText Text color of row(s) selected in a array.
infoBackground $gbc-genero-infoBackground N/A (same as window)
infoText $gbc-genero-infoText N/A (same as windowText)
systemAlternateBackground $gbc-genero-systemAlternateBackground Background color of the alternate row in array.
window $gbc-genero-window Window background color.
windowText $gbc-genero-windowText Text in windows.

GBC theme variables with the "$gbc-genero-" prefix are created by the system color name, and inherited from the theme definitions. Editing variables with this prefix does not effect the GBC theme. For information on editing the GBC theme colors, go to Theme reference in the Genero Browser Client User Guide.

Generic color names

Use generic color names, to keep your style definitions portable across several front-end types. Depending on the configuration of the front end, generic color names may be rendered with different RGB color value. The use of the REVERSE attribute can also affect the resulting RGB values used.

The generic color names are: black, blue, cyan, darkBlue, darkCyan, darkGray, darkGreen, darkMagenta, darkOlive, darkOrange, darkRed, darkTeal, darkYellow, gray, green, lightBlue, lightCyan, lightGray, lightGreen, lightMagenta, lightOlive, lightOrange, lightRed, lightTeal, lightYellow, magenta, olive, orange, red, teal, white, yellow.


<StyleAttribute name="backgroundColor" value="lightBlue" />
<StyleAttribute name="textColor" value="#00FF45" />