File inclusion

The &include directive instructs the preprocessor to include a file.


&include "filename"
  1. filename is the file to be included during preprocessing. filename can be a relative or an absolute path. To specify a path, the slash (/) directory separator can be used for UNIX™ and Windows® platforms.


The file to be included is searched first in the directory containing the current file, then in the directorie(s) provided with -I option.

The filename argument can be followed by spaces and comments.

The included file will be scanned and processed before continuing with the rest of the current file.

Source: File A
First line 
&include "B"
Third line
Source: File B
Second line
Result (fglcomp -E output):
& 1 "A"
First line 
& 1 "B"
Second line 
& 3 "A"
Third line

These preprocessor directives inform the compiler of its current location with special preprocessor comments, so the compiler can provide the right error message when a syntax error occurs.

The preprocessor-generated comments use the following format:
& number "filename"


  • number is the current line in the preprocessed file
  • filename is the current file name

Recursive inclusions

Recursive inclusions are not allowed. Doing so will fail and output an error message.

The following example is incorrect:

Source: File A
&include "B"
Source: File B
&include "A"
fglcomp -M A.4gl output
B.4gl:2:1:2:1:error:(-8029) Multiple inclusion of the source file 'A'.

Including the same file several times is allowed:

Source: File A
&include "B"
&include "B"  -- correct
Source: File B
Result (fglcomp -E output):
& 1 "A"
& 1 "B"
& 2 "A"
& 1 "B"

File path

In the &include "filename" macro, filename can be a relative or an absolute path.

To specify a path, the slash (/) directory separator can be used for UNIX and Windows platforms:
&include "../include/"