Embed Cordova plugins in a GMI app
To be included in your app, Cordova plugins need to be specified in the build process.
Including Cordova plugins in your iOS IPA package
Use the gmibuildtool
command-line option, to specify which Cordova plugins to embed in
your iOS IPA
package:$ gmibuildtool --build-cordova=cordova-plugin-media,GeneroTestPlugin
The plugin.xml file
A plugin can contain several assets (images, sounds, native forms) which are listed in the plugin.xml file that is bundled by gmibuildtool.
Shipping the Cordova wrapper library with the app package
If the Cordova plugin front calls are called from BDL wrapper functions, the .42m p-code module of the wrapper library needs to be included in the IPA package.
When building the API package for an app using Cordova plugins, the gmibuildtool automatically includes the corresponding .42m wrapper module(s).