Database drivers changes

New and desupported database drivers.

New database server versions supported in Genero 3.20:

Support for new database server releases, with existing ODI drivers:
  • PostgreSQL 11 and 12 is supported with the existing dbmpgs_9 driver (linked to - PostgreSQL 13 and 14 support has been backported from FGL 4.01.
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (v15) is supported with the existing dbmsnc_17 driver (linked to

Support for new database server and client releases with new ODI drivers:
  • Oracle® 18c database driver (dbmora_18/dbmora) for Oracle 18c database server.
    Important: The generic driver name dbmora maps now to dbmora_18. If your application is using Oracle 12c or Oracle 11g, specify respectively dbmora_12 or dbmora_11 drivers in the connection parameters.
  • Oracle 19c database server support, by using the (dbmora_18/dbmora) driver. On Unix platforms, the dbmora_18 driver is linked with, which is provided by Oracle Instant Client 19c.
ODI driver replacements:
  • Oracle MySQL 5.6 driver (dbmmys_5_6) has to be used in place of the desupported dbmmys_5_5 driver.

For more details, see Database driver specification (driver).

Databases / ODI drivers desupported in Genero 3.20:

Database drivers for old database client versions are removed in accordance with DB vendor de-support plans:

  • Microsoft™ SQL Server 2008 / SQL Native Client V10 (dbmsnc_10)
  • Oracle MySQL 5.5.x (dbmmys_5_5) - for MySQL 5.6, use the new driver dbmmys_5_6.
    Note: The dbmmys_5_5 driver could also be used to connect to MariadDB 10.0 and 10.1. These MariadDB versions are no longer supported: Use MariadDB 10.2+ with dbmmdb_10_2.

Minimal required FreeTDS version is 1.00.104

See FreeTDS 1.00 for SQL Server for more details.

FGLSQLDEBUG levels and output

Starting with version 3.20, the FGLSQLDEBUG and fgl_sqldebug() maximum debug level is 3. If you set the SQL debug level to a higher value, it will be equivalent to level 3.

When FGLSQLDEBUG is enabled, the OPTIONS SQL INTERRUPT ON/OFF is traced.