Temp table emulation with Oracle DB
Controlling the Oracle® schema and the tablespace for tables created by Informix® temporary table emulation.
In order to support Informix CREATE TEMP TABLE and SELECT ... INTO TEMP statements, the Oracle ODI driver converts the SQL text to Oracle syntax. Two emulation methods are supported by Genero: "default" and "global" emulation. First method creates regular tables, while second method uses Oracle global temporary tables. The emulation method used is defined by the following FGLPROFILE entry:
dbi.database.mydb.ifxemul.temptables.emulation = { "default" | "global" }
dbi.database.mydb.ora.schema = "app_owner"
However, if your application programs create Informix-style temporary tables, each Oracle DB user needs CREATE ANY TABLE and DROP ANY TABLE privileges to create the tables in the common schema. This is not suitable in an organization using a strong security policy.
The Oracle tables created by the "default" emulation are by default created in the TEMPTABS tablespace, while global temporary tables are created in the TEMPTABS schema. Before Genero 3.10, it was not possible to control this.
dbi.database.dbname.ora.temptables.schema.source = { "login" | "command" }
dbi.database.dbname.ora.temptables.schema.command = "select-statement"
dbi.database.dbname.ora.temptables.tablespace = "tablespace-name"
These FGLPROFILE parameters apply to both default and global temporary table emulation methods. When using "default" emulation, you typically configure these entries to add the current user name as schema for the CREATE TABLE Oracle statements and avoid granting CREATE/DROP ANY TABLE privileges to all users. With the "global" emulation, you can specify a common schema (different from the default TEMPTABS schema), to share the global temporary table among several database users.