HEIGHT attribute

The HEIGHT attribute forces an explicit height for a form element.


  1. integer defines the height of the element.


By default, the height of an element is defined by the size of the form item tag in a grid-based layout, or by the type of the form item in a stack-based layout. Use the HEIGHT attribute to define a specific height for a form item.

Note: As a general rule, consider not specifying a unit, to default to relative characters/lines/columns, instead of specifying exact pixels or points. This is especially important for mobile devices, where the screen resolution can significantly vary depending on the smartphone or tablet model.

In a grid-based layout and stack-based layout, if you don't specify a size unit, it defaults to CHARACTERS, which defines a height based on the characters size in the current font.

Grid-based layout

For sizable items like IMAGE, the default height is defined by the number of lines of the form item tag in the layout, as a vertical character height. Overwrite this default by specifying the HEIGHT attribute.

IMAGE img1: image1, WIDTH = 20, HEIGHT = 12;

For TABLE/TREE containers, the default height is defined by the number of lines used in the table layout. Overwrite the default by specifying the HEIGHT = x LINES attribute.

TABLE tab1: table1, HEIGHT = 25 LINES;

Stack-based layout

For TABLE containers, the height of a list is defined by the actual number of rows, this cannot be changed.

For IMAGE items, by default the image is rendered full size, which means that the actual size of the image is used. Overwrite the default by specifying the HEIGHT attribute:

IMAGE image1, HEIGHT = 12, ...;
By default, WEBCOMPONENT items adapt their size to the content. To force a given size, use the HEIGHT attribute:
A TEXTEDIT item always adapts its size to the text value. By using the HEIGHT attribute, you can define a minimum height, when the value of the field is empty: