The set
command allows you to configure your debugger
session and change program variable values.
set {
annotate {
environment envname[
prompt ptext
print elements elemcount
variable varname=expression
verbose {
- ptext is the string to which the prompt should be set.
- varname is the program variable to be set to expression.
- expression is a combination of variables, constants and operators.
- envname is the environment variable to be set to value.
- elemcount is the maximum number of array elements to be printed.
The set
command allows to change program variables and/or debug environment
set variable
sets a program variable, to be taken into account when continuing
program execution. The right operand can be an expression.
set prompt
changes the prompt text. The text can be set to add string. A space
is not automatically added after the prompt string, allowing you to determine whether to add a space
at the end of the prompt string.
set environment
sets an environment variable, where value
may be any string. If the value parameter is omitted, the variable is set to a
null value. The variable is set for your program, not for the debugger itself.
set verbose on
forces the debugger to display additional messages about its
operations, allowing you to observe that it is still working during lengthy internal operations.
set annotate 1
switches the output format of the debugger to be more machine
set print elements elemcount
defines the maximum number of
array elements to be printed by the debugger when displaying a program array.
(fgldb) set prompt ($)
On UNIX™ systems, if your SHELL variable names a shell that runs an initialization file, any variables you set in that file affect your program. You may wish to move the setting of environment variables to files that are only run when you sign on, such as .login or .profile.