WebServiceEngine options

Table 1. Options for the com.WebServiceEngine
Flag Client or Server Description
autocookiesmanagement Client If set to TRUE, it activates the automatic cookies management for any HTTPRequest. It is the same as calling req.setAutoCookies(TRUE) for all HTTPRequest to a single instance of fglrun.

By setting to TRUE, the program does not need to call req.setAutoCookies(true) on any HTTPRequest in its code. The global option is called once at the start of the program, and all cookies received from a server are automatically sent back according to the cookie definition (path, expiration date, domain).

Default value is FALSE.

connectiontimeout Client Defines the default maximum time in seconds a client, an HTTPRequest and a TCPRequest have to wait for the establishment of a connection with a server.

A value of -1 means infinite wait.

The default is 30 seconds for non-Windows, 5 seconds for Windows®.


This feature is deprecated, its use is discouraged although not prohibited.

Client Defines the default maximum time in seconds a client has to wait before the client connection raises an error because the server is not responding.

A value of -1 means that it has to wait until the server responds.

The default is -1.

Important: Deprecated - use readwritetimeout instead.
maximumpersistentcookies Client Specify the maximum number of persistent cookies that can be handled by a single fglrun process. If the limit is reached, the older cookies will be deleted to create room for the newer cookies.

This option applies to the client side only.

Default value is 50.

maximumresponselength Both Defines the maximum authorized size in KBytes for a client, server, HTTP or TCP response, before a break (when it stops and returns from the function because the amount of data surpassed the maximumresponselength.)

A value of -1 means no limit.

The default is -1.

readwritetimeout Client Defines the default maximum time in seconds a client, a HTTP request/response and a TCP request/response have to wait before raising an error that the server doesn't return or accept data.

A value of -1 means infinite wait.

The default is -1.

server_readwritetimeout Server Defines how long a socket read or write operation can wait before raising an error.
The default value is 5 seconds.
Note: Before this option was introduced, the default value was -1 (infinite) and was configurable with the accept timeout parameter via ProcessServices() method.
server_restdefaultformat Server Defines runtime support for mime types in REST operations. By default the supported formats are XML and JSON. If the mime type is not set by the WSMedia attribute on the record for instance, by calling, com.webserviceEngine.SetOption("server_restdefaultformat","xml") you can specify the XML format at runtime. Other options are "json" or "both".

Then you can also retrieve the value with GetOption.

SoapModuleURI Both Defines the SOAP role of a Genero application with a URI to identify it along a SOAP message path.

The default value is NULL.


This feature is deprecated, its use is discouraged although not prohibited.

Client Defines the default maximum time in seconds a client has to wait for the establishment of a TCP connection with a server.

A value of -1 means infinite wait.

The default is 30 seconds for non-Windows, 5 seconds for Windows.

Important: Deprecated - use connectiontimeout instead.
wsdl_arraysize Server Defines whether the size of a BDL array will be taken into account during the WSDL generation. See WSDL generation options notes.

A value of zero means FALSE.

The default is TRUE.

wsdl_decimalsize Server Defines whether the precision and scale of a DECIMAL variable will be taken into account during the WSDL generation. See WSDL generation options notes.

A value of zero means FALSE.

The default is TRUE.

wsdl_stringsize Server Defines whether the size of a CHAR or VARCHAR variable will be taken into account during the WSDL generation. See WSDL generation options notes.

A value of zero means FALSE.

The default is TRUE.