FGLPROFILE entries for core language

This is a summary of FGLPROFILE entries supported by the core BDL.

Find more information for an FGLPROFILE entry by following the documentation link in the description of the entry.

This topic describes FGLPROFILE entries for the BDL core language. Web services specific FGLPROFILE entries description can be found in FGLPROFILE entries for Web Services.

Table 1. Partial list of supported FGLPROFILE entries
Entry Values Default Description
Dialog.currentRowVisibleAfterSort boolean false Forces current row to be shown after a sort in a table.

See Dialog configuration with FGLPROFILE.

Dialog.fieldOrder boolean false Defines if the intermediate field triggers must be executed when a new field gets the focus with a mouse click.

See Dialog configuration with FGLPROFILE.

dbi.default.driver string NULL

Defines the default database driver.

See Default database driver.

dbi.database.dbname.driver string NULL

Defines the database driver for a database name.

See Database driver specification (driver).

dbi.database.dbname.source string NULL

Defines the data source for a database name.

See Database source specification (source).

dbi.* N/A N/A

Database interface configuration.

See Connections.

fglrun.arrayIgnoreRangeError boolean false Controls runtime behavior when array index is out of bounds.

See Arrays for more details.

fglrun.decToCharScale2 boolean false Formats DECIMAL(P) with 2 decimal digits globally. See Data type conversion reference.
fglrun.decToCharScale2.print boolean false Formats DECIMAL(P) with 2 decimal digits in PRINT statements. See Data type conversion reference.
fglrun.floatToCharScale2 boolean false Formats FLOAT/SMALLFLOAT with 2 decimal digits globally. See Data type conversion reference.
fglrun.floatToCharScale2.print boolean false Formats FLOAT/SMALLFLOAT with 2 decimal digits in PRINT statements. See Data type conversion reference.
fglrun.defaults string NULL Defines the directory where program specific configuration files are located.

See Understanding FGLPROFILE.

fglrun.ignoreDebuggerEvent boolean false Defines whether the runtime system can swtich to debug mode.

See Integrated debugger.

fglrun.ignoreLogoffEvent boolean false Defines whether the runtime system ignores a CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT on Windows® platforms.

See Responding to CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT.

fglrun.localization.* N/A N/A Defines load parameters for localized string resource files.

See Localized strings.

fglrun.mapAnyErrorToError boolean false Controls default action of WHENEVER ANY ERROR.

See Default exception handling.


This feature is deprecated, its use is discouraged although not prohibited.

boolean false Turns program files memory mapping off on Windows platforms.
Note: This entry is only provided to solve file overwrite issues when doing live program files updates on Windows platforms.

See Dynamic module loading.

flm.* N/A N/A License management related entries.

See licensing documentation.

gui.connection.timeout integer 30 Defines the timeout delay (in seconds) the runtime system waits when it establishes a connection to the front-end. After this delay the program stops with an error.

See GUI connection timeout.

gui.key.add_function integer none If set, this entry defines the offset for function key mapping when using Shift-Fx and Control-Fx key modifiers.

See Graphical mode with Traditional Display.

gui.programStoppedMessage string none Generic message to be displayed to the end user when a program stops because of a runtime error.

When not specified, fglrun displays the detailed error message.

See Default exception handling.

gui.protocol.pingTimeout integer 600 Defines the timeout delay (in seconds) the runtime system waits for a front-end ping when there is no user activity. After this delay the program stops with an error.

See Wait for front-end ping timeout.

gui.protocol.format string default Controls Front-End protocol format.

Possible values are: "block", "zlib".

Default is "block" (encapsulation only).

See GUI protocol compression.

gui.rendering string native Defines the GUI rendering mode.

Possible values are: "native", "universal".

Default is "native".

See Graphical mode with Universal Rendering.

gui.server.autostart.* N/A N/A Defines automatic front-end startup parameters.

See Automatic front-end startup.

gui.uiMode string NULL Defines the user interface mode, to render windows in traditional I4GL mode.

Possible values are: "default" or "traditional".

Default is the new Genero GUI mode with real resizable windows.

See Graphical mode with Traditional Display.


This feature is deprecated, its use is discouraged although not prohibited.

string N/A Defines a label for an action defined with an ON KEY clause.
Note: This entry is provided for backward compatibility with BDS V3.

See Setting action key labels.

mobile.environment.name = "value" N/A N/A Define environment variable values in FGLPROFILE for mobile applications.

See Setting environment variables in FGLPROFILE (mobile).


This feature is deprecated, its use is discouraged although not prohibited.

boolean false Defines if the report aggregate functions must return zero or NULL when all values are NULL.
Note: This entry is provided for backward compatibility with BDS V3.

See Report engine configuration.