Defines the debug level for tracing SQL instructions.

If FGLSQLDEBUG is set to a value greater than zero, debug information is written to stderr for each SQL instruction executed by the program.


Sensitive and personal data may be written to the output. Make sure that the log output is written to files that can only be read by application administrators.

FGLSQLDEBUG can be used on a production site in order to identify a problem related to SQL statements. However, the SQL debug log can produce a lot of data, slow down program execution and therefore must be used with care.

UNIX™ (shell) example:

$ fglrun myprog 2>sqldbg.txt
The FGLSQLDEBUG environment variable can be set to different integer values, depending on the level of details you want to get from the runtime system and database driver.
Tip: Consider setting FGLSQLDEBUG to the highest level, to produce the maximum debug information.
Table 1. Possible values for FGLSQLDEBUG
-1 Print debug message only when an SQL instruction produces an error.
0 No SQL debug message is produced.
1 Minimal debug information (SQL instruction, location, execution time).
2 Normal debug information (1 + error details).
3 Full debug information (1 + 2 + processing details, internals).
Note: The output format of FGLSQLDEBUG is for debug purpose only and may change in future product releases.

Alternatively, you can use the fgl_sqldebug() function to set the SQL debug level by program.