Step 1: Define input and output records

Define records for the input and output messages of the Web function.

Based on the desired functionality of the operations that you plan for the Service, define the input and output records for each operation. BDL functions that are written to implement a Web Service operation cannot have input parameters or return values. Instead, each function's input and output message must be defined as a global or module RECORD.

The Input message

The fields of the global or module record represent each of the input parameters of the Web function. The name of each field in the record corresponds to the name used in the SOAP request. These fields are filled with the contents of the SOAP request by the Web Services engine just before executing the corresponding BDL function.

The Output message

The fields of the global or module record represent each of the output parameters of the Web function. The name of each field in the record corresponds to the name used in the SOAP request. These fields are retrieved from the Web Services engine immediately after executing the BDL function, and sent back to the client.

Your Genero Web Services service has one planned operation that adds two integers and returns the result. The input and output records are defined as follows:
    add_in RECORD   # input record
      a INTEGER,
      b INTEGER 
    add_out RECORD  # output record
      r INTEGER