Desupported FGLPROFILE entries

Identify the Four Js BDS FGLPROFILE configuration entries that are no longer supported, and the Genero BDL equivalent (where relevant).

Genero Business Development Language comes with redesigned software components and features. Some FGLPROFILE entries have been desupported. This table describes what configurations settings are no longer supported, and point to Genero equivalent features if they exist.

Table 1. Desupported FOURJS BDS FGLPROFILE entries
Entry Description of the BDS FGLPROFILE entry Genero equivalent
dbi.sqldirset.* SQL directive set definition. No equivalent option. See SQL directive sets.
dbi.sql.directives SQL directive set parser de-activation. N/A. See SQL directive sets.
dbi.sql.static.optimization.cache.size Static SQL cache size. No equivalent option. See Static SQL cache.
dbi.database.dbname.connector Database connectors. dbi.database.dbname.driver
dbi.connector.cname.* Database connector definition. No equivalent option. Boolean to defines if SQL cursors have global scope or not. No equivalent option.
fglrun.ix6 Boolean to control the Informix 4GL version 6 and higher behavior. Default is false (Informix 4GL 4.10 behavior)

No equivalent option: Genero implements Informix 4GL 4.10 behavior.

fglrun.signalOOB Defines the Out Of Band signal. When pressing the INTERRUPT key in GUI mode, OOB data is sent to the application over the socket. Some UNIX systems use a specific identifier for OOB signals that you can define with this entry. Default is 0. No equivalent option.
fglrun.cmd.winnt On Windows NT and 2000, this entry defines the program to execute 4GL applications started by RUN WITHOUT WAITING. Default is "cmd /c". N/A: Obsolete platforms.
fglrun.cmd.win95 On Windows 95 and XP, this entry defines the program to execute 4GL applications started by RUN WITHOUT WAITING. Default is "start /m". N/A: Obsolete platforms.
fglrun.interface Defines the TCL/TK configuration file to be used by the graphical server. The file is read from FGLDIR/etc directory. Default is "fgl2c.res". N/A: No more TCL/TK client.
fglrun.scriptname Defines the TCL/TK client script file to be used by the graphical server. The file is read from FGLDIR/etc directory. Default is "fgl2c.tcl". N/A: No more TCL/TK client.
fglrun.server.* Parameters to automatically start the graphical server. gui.server.autostart Defines if the options of MENU instructions must be displayed in a separate control frame or in the MENU LINE. No equivalent option.
gui.screen.* Define the layout of the application container window. No equivalent option.
gui.workspaceframe.* Parameters for the work frame (the area where 4GL windows and forms are displayed) No equivalent option.
gui.controlframe.* Parameters for the control frame (right menu) No equivalent option.
gui.display.source.* Display redirections for instructions like ERROR and MESSAGE. Presentation styles for MESSAGE and ERROR.
gui.statusbar.* Status bar configuration and rendering. Status bar types with Windows style attributes
gui.toolbar.* Toolbar configuration and rendering. Toolbar definitions.