Error codes of com.WebServicesEngine

Error codes returned by com.WebServiceEngine methods.

Table 1. com.WebServiceEngine error codes
Number Description
-1 Timeout

com.WebServiceEngine.ProcessServices(x) timeout is reached. No requests to process during x seconds.

-2 AsCloseCommand

GAS tells the DVM to shutdown. You must exit your application.

-3 ConnectionBroken

Client has closed the connection in standalone GWS (without GAS).

-4 ConnectionInterrupted

Ctrl-C received. Interruption received by DVM. You must exit your application.

-5 BadHTTPHeader

Check the message with FGLWSDEBUG or display sqlca.sqlerrm.

-6 MalformedSOAPEnvelope

Check the message with FGLWSDEBUG or display sqlca.sqlerrm.

-7 MalformedXMLDocument

Check the message with FGLWSDEBUG or display sqlca.sqlerrm.

-8 Internal HTTP Error

There is a communication issue with application server or client. Check with FGLWSDEBUG.

-9 Unsupported operation

The URL of the operation requested is unknown. Check the message with FGLWSDEBUG or display sqlca.sqlerrm.

-10 Unknown Error

This is an internal error, contact the support team. You must exit your application.

-11 WSDL generation failed

You need to debug your application.

-12 WSDL Service not found

Check the message with FGLWSDEBUG or display sqlca.sqlerrm.

-13 Reserved

No need to exit the application. A new request might not have the issue.

-14 Incoming request overflow

You exceeded the data maximum length allowed by com.WebServiceEngine.SetOption(maximumresponselength).

-15 Server was not started

Call to com.WebServiceEngine.Start() failed. You must exit your application.

-16 Request still in progress

With RESTful service, this error occurs when you are currently processing a request that has not yet send the response and you try to process another request. You need to debug your application. It depends, you might not need to stop your application.

-17 Stax response error

You need to debug your application. Check the message with FGLWSDEBUG or display sqlca.sqlerrm.

-18 Input request handler error

You need to debug your application. Check the message with FGLWSDEBUG or display sqlca.sqlerrm.

-19 Output request handler error

You need to debug your application. Check the message with FGLWSDEBUG or display sqlca.sqlerrm.

-20 WSDL handler error

You need to debug your application. Check the message with FGLWSDEBUG or display sqlca.sqlerrm.

-21 SOAP Version mismatch

Your client SOAP version does not match your server SOAP version, amend either your client or your server code.

-22 SOAP header not understood

Modify your server code to handle the mustUnderstand attribute. Use the incoming request handler.

-23 Deserialization error

Check the message with FGLWSDEBUG or display sqlca.sqlerrm.

-24 Reserved error code

This error code is reserved for future use.

-25 Web Services Addressing action is mandatory

Check that the WSA action is specified in the SOAP message.

-26 Web Services Addressing message header is invalid

Check that the WSA header is correct in the SOAP message.

-27 Web Services Addressing message header is mandatory

Check that the WSA header is specified in the SOAP message.

-28 Web Services Addressing message protocol does not match

Check that the WSA message uses the protocol version of the client matches the version expected by the server.

-29 Cookie error

Check that the HTTP request contains a valid cookie.

-30 No active web operation

The method was called outside the context of a web operation process.

-31 Web Operation was flushed

This code is returned by the ProcessServices() or the HandlerRequest() method, to indicated that the Flush() method was called during the last web operation execution.

-32 Serialization error

Check the message with FGLWSDEBUG or display sqlca.sqlerrm.

-33 XOP Not Supported

The Web service does not implement the XML-binary Optimized Packaging (XOP) packaging specification for serializing binary data.

-34 XOP Error

Handing of XML-Binary Optimized Packaging failed, check the error with FGLWSDEBUG

-35 No Matching Rest Operation Found

Check the URL of the resource and the REST web service function parameters.

-36 Unexpected Rest Parameter

Check that the number and type of input and return parameters match the service function.

-37 WADL Error

Generation of Web Application Description Language (WADL) failed, check error with FGLWSDEBUG.

-38 Open API Error

Generation of OpenAPI specification failed, check error with FGLWSDEBUG.

-39 Content Type Ctx Incompatible

Runtime Content-Type set via WSContext does not match the WSMedia of the REST operation, check WSMedia and WSContext values.

-40 Scope Missing

Service is secured, and a user token is required to authenticate access. Check that you are providing a scope.

-42 Regex Error

The regular expression (regex) defined for the WSAttachment attribute in the REST operation is invalid, or the received file does not match the regex pattern for a valid file name. Check the WSAttachment attribute value.