Genero environment variables This section lists and describes in detail all Genero specific environment variables. DBCENTURYSpecifies the expansion for the century in DATE and DATETIME values.DBDATEDefines the default display and input format for DATE values.DBDELIMITERDefines the value separator for unload data files.DBEDITDefines the editor program for TEXT fields in TUI mode.DBFORMATDefines the characters to be used for the currency symbol, decimal and thousands separators for numeric values.DBMONEYDefines the characters to be used for the currency symbol and decimal separator for numeric values, when DBFORMAT is not defined.DBPATHDefines the paths to search for Genero program resource files.DBPRINTDefines the print device to be used by reports.DBSCREENDUMPDefines the output file name for text screen shots.DBSCREENOUTDefines the output file name for text screen shots.DBTEMPDefines the directory for temporary files.FGL_LENGTH_SEMANTICSDefines the length semantics to be used in programs.FGLAPPDIRContains the path to the application directory when executing on a mobile device.FGLAPPSERVERDefines the listening TCP port of the Web service in development context.FGLCOVEnables coverage data collection.FGLDBPATHDefines the path to database schema files for compilers.FGLDIRDefines the installation directory of Genero Business Development Language.FGLGBCDIRDefines the directory of the GBC component for Universal Rendering.FGLGUIDefines the user interface mode to be used by the program.FGLGUIDEBUGDefines the debug level in GUI mode.FGLIMAGEPATHDefines the search paths for VM server image files.FGLLDPATHDefines the search paths to load program modules.FGLPROFILEDefines the configuration files to be used by the runtime system.FGLRESOURCEPATHDefines search path for resource files.FGLSERVERDefines the graphical front-end for the application.FGLSOURCEPATHDefines the path to program source files.FGLSQLDEBUGDefines the debug level for tracing SQL instructions.FGLTRACE_FUNCTIONSDefines the list of functions to be followed by the program execution trace.FGLTRACE_EXCLUDEDefines the list of functions to be excluded from the program execution trace.FGLWRTUMASKDefines the umask to be used by the license manager.FGLWSDEBUGThe FGLWSDEBUG environment variable enables web services library debugging. GMIDIRDefines the installation directory of Genero Mobile for iOS.INFORMIXTERMDefines terminal control library to be used.