Genero Mobile for iOS (GMI) 1.30 changes

Modifications to consider when using Genero Mobile for iOS.

Note: This topic describes features changes in the GMI 1.30 product. See also the Mobile section in Genero BDL 3.10 New Features page.

GMI 1.30 with FGLGWS 3.10

Important: The GMI version 1.30 is built on FGLGWS 3.10 and therefore, strongly tied to this Genero BDL version.

Default directory for localized strings in GMI apps

The .42s localized string files for the default language can be provided in the appdir/defaults directory.

Resource files such as .42s provided in pwd are always loaded by the runtime system. As GMA, pwd and appdir are the same, it was not possible to provide default strings files in appdir. It was required to provide localized string files for any language, in the corresponding appdir/locale-code directories.

For more details, see Localized string files on mobile devices and Deploying mobile apps.

Building GMI apps with C extensions

Before GMI 1.30, in order to build an iOS app with C extensions, it was required to create your own makefile based on the generic GMIDIR/lib/Makefile-gmi file, to add your own C extension libraries or custom front calls with the USEREXTENSION variable:

   APPNAME=MyApp \
   BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=com.mycomany.myapp \
   IDENTITY="iPhone Developer" \
   PROVISIONING_PROFILE=~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/myapp.mobileprovision \
   USEREXTENSION=userextension.o \

GMI_MAKE = make -f $(GMIDIR)/lib/Makefile-gmi $(GMI_OPTIONS)

gmi.all: all
      $(GMI_MMAKE) all

Starting with GMI 1.30, it is now possible to build your static library with the staticlib target of GMIDIR/lib/Makefile-gmi, and pass your library to the gmibuildtool with the --extension-libs option:
$ gmibuildtool ... -extension-libs "-lz libBPush.a" ...

For more details, see Building iOS apps with Genero.

Registering custom front calls in GMI

Before GMI 1.30, it was required to implement a frontCalls() function, in order to declare the Objective-C class implementing your custom front calls:
NSArray* frontCalls()
   return @[ [ExtensionFrontCall class] ];

Starting with GMI 1.30, upon startup, the GMI detects the extension by enumerating all descendants of the Frontcall classes.

Thus, there is no need to implement this function anymore.

For more details, see Implement front call modules for GMI.

Managing plugins in GMI

Starting with GMI 1.30, the gmibuildtool allows you to handle plugins with the --install-plugins and --list-plugins options.

For more details, see Cordova plugins.