Defines the graphical front-end form the application.

In GUI mode, FGLSERVER defines the host name and port of the graphical front end the runtime system will connect to in order to display application forms.

The values for the FGLSERVER environment variable must be specified with the following syntax:

  1. hostname is the name of a machine on the network.
  2. ip-address is the IP V4 address ( Ex: 10:0:0:105 ).
  3. server-num identifies the front end.

The server-num parameter defines the front end server number (first is 0, second is 1, and so on). This defines implicitly the TCP port number the front end is listening to, as an offset for the base port 6400. For example, FGLSERVER=cobra:1 will use the TCP port 6401 (6400 + 1). This parameter is optional, when not specified, it defaults to zero (port 6400).