Tree style attributes

Tree style presentation attributes apply to the TREE container.

Note: This topic lists presentation style attributes for a specific class of form element, common presentation style attributes can also be used for this type of element.
Note: In the .4st file, the style attribute for TREE containers must be specified with the "Table" class (in the AUI tree, TREE containers are represented with Table nodes)
Table 1. Tree style attributes

Users need to select items from a treeview. Once selected, the keyboard shortcut for copying data can be used to copy the selection.

Values can be "yes" or "no" (default).

When allowWebSelection="no", item selection requires the user to hold down the CTRL key while dragging over the selection with the mouse.

When allowWebSelection="yes", item selection requires a mouse drag only. There is no need to press the CTRL key. However, the ability to drag-and-drop data is disabled.

No Yes N/A N/A

By default, tables are reopened with column positions, visibility and sizes they had when the window was closed. By setting this attribute to true, the saved settings are ignored and the table gets the initial column layout. Note that the saved settings include also the sort columns, that will impact on the order of the rows in the table.

Values can be "yes" or "no" (default).

Yes Yes N/A N/A

Defines the column header alignment in a table.

Values can be:
  • "default" (default): will use the system default. In most case it is left aligned.
  • "left" will force all column headers to be left aligned.
  • "center" will force all column headers to be centered.
  • "right" will force all column headers to be right aligned.
  • "auto" will first try to align each column header following the "justify" attribute of the column. If no "justify" attribute is set, the column header will be aligned based on the type of data: right for numeric data, left for text data.
Yes Yes N/A N/A

Defines if the horizontal header must be visible in a treeview.

Values can be "yes" or "no" (default).

Yes Yes N/A N/A

Defines the highlight color of rows for the treeview, used for selected rows.

For possible values, see Colors.

For more details see Row highlighting in TREE.

Yes Yes N/A N/A

Indicates if the current row is highlighted in a TREE, with the system default highlight colors, or the colors defined by the highlightColor/highlightTextColor style attributes.

Values can be "yes" or "no" (default depends on front-end and dialog type)

For more details see Row highlighting in TREE.

Yes Yes N/A N/A

Defines the highlighted text color of rows for the TREE, used for selected rows.

For possible values, see Colors.

For more details see Row highlighting in TREE.

Yes Yes N/A N/A

Requires "tableType" set to "frozenTable".

Defines how many columns are frozen, starting from the left of the treeview.

Values can be any numeric value matching with the number of columns.

Default is "0".

No Yes N/A N/A

Defines if the resize of the treeview adapts the size of the last column to avoid unused space.

Values can be "yes" or "no" (default).

Yes Yes N/A N/A

Requires "tableType" set to "frozenTable".

Defines how many columns are frozen, starting from the right of the treeview list part.

Values can be any numeric value matching with the number of columns.

Default is "0".

No Yes N/A N/A


Defines the physical event that will fire the row selection action (DOUBLECLICK) in a treeview.

Values can be "singleClick" or "doubleClick".

Default is "doubleClick": a left-double-click triggers the action.

Yes Yes N/A N/A

Indicates if the grid lines must be visible in a treeview.

Values can be "yes" or "no" (default with DISPLAY ARRAY).

No Yes N/A N/A

Defines the rendering type of the list part of the treeview.

Values can be:
  • "normal" (default): Regular treeview rendering.
  • "frozenTable": Users can "freeze" some columns from scrolling, so that they always remain visible. Default frozen columns can be defined with "leftFrozenColumns" and "rightFrozenColumns" attributes.
No Yes N/A N/A