ScrollGrid style attributes

ScrollGrid style presentation attributes apply to SCROLLGRID container.

Note: This topic lists presentation style attributes for a specific class of form element, common presentation style attributes can also be used for this type of element.
Table 1. ScrollGrid style attributes


Defines the display mode to be used for the SCROLLGRID.

Values can be:

Default is to render the scrollgrid as a vertical list.

Important: The customWidget ScrollGrid style attribute cannot be changed dynamically, once the widget has been displayed.
No Yes No No


Defines the physical event that will fire the row selection action (DOUBLECLICK) in a scrollgrid.

Values can be "singleClick" or "doubleClick".

Default is "doubleClick": a left-double-click triggers the action.

Yes Yes No No

Defines the highlight color of rows for the SCROLLGRID, used for selected rows.

For possible values, see Colors.

For more details see Row and cell highlighting in SCROLLGRID.

Yes Yes Yes No

Indicates if the current cell is highlighted in a SCROLLGRID, with the system default highlight colors, or the colors defined by the highlightColor/highlightTextColor style attributes.

Values can be "yes","no" (default depends on front-end and dialog type)

For more details see Row and cell highlighting in SCROLLGRID.

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Indicates if the current row is highlighted in a SCROLLGRID, with system default highlight colors, or the colors defined by the highlightColor/highlightTextColor style attributes.

Values can be "yes" or "no" (default depends on front-end and dialog type)

For more details see Row and cell highlighting in SCROLLGRID.

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Defines the highlighted text color of rows for the SCROLLGRID, used for selected rows.

For possible values, see Colors.

For more details see Row and cell highlighting in SCROLLGRID.

Yes Yes Yes No