Step 1: Declare a W3CEndpointReference record to be used as state variable
This record MUST have:
A mandatory member of type STRING, where you can define a different service end point URL, otherwise the current server URL will be used.
A sub record to contain one or more BDL variables used as state variables and defined as reference parameter in the WS-Addressing 1.0 specification.
DEFINE EndpointReferenceState RECORD ATTRIBUTES(W3CEndpointReference)
address STRING, # Mandatory
ref RECORD # Sub-record Reference parameters containing one
# or more state variables
OpaqueID STRING ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="OpaqueID"), # Unique ID to
#identify the service state in the database
Expiration DATE ATTRIBUTES(XMLName="Expiration",
XMLNamespace="") # Session state expiration date
You can use a unique ID of a database table to manage the web services sessions in place of OpaqueID.