Encode a file in BASE64 form
The fglpass tool can encode a file in BASE64 form.
- To encode the file MyFile in BASE64, enter:
fglpass -enc64 MyFile
The fglpass tool outputs the BASE64 form of the file to the console.BASE64 BEGIN c2VjdXJpdHkuZ2xvYmFsLmFnZW50ICAgICAgPSAiNDI0MiINCmNyeXB0by 5pZDEua2V5ICAgICAgICAgICAgID0gIlJTQTEwMjRLZXkucGVtIg0KY3J5 cHRvLmlkMi5rZXkgICAgICAgICAgICAgPSAiUlNBMjA0OEtleS5wZW0iDQ pjcnlwdG8uaWQzLmtleSAgICAgICAgICAgICA9ICJEU0ExMDI0S2V5LnBl bSINCmNyeXB0by5pZDQua2V5ICAgICAgICAgICAgID0gIlJTQTUxMlByb3 RlY3RlZC5wZW0iDQpjcnlwdG8uaWQ1LmtleSAgICAgICAgICAgICA9ICJE U0E1MTJSZWFsbHlQcm90ZWN0ZWQucGVtIg0K BASE64 END
Note:The BASE64 encoded file is the string between BASE64 BEGIN and BASE64 END.
- You can redirect the output of fglpass tool to a file. For example:
fglpass -enc64 MyFile > Base64filename