Step 1: Generate the Genero web service stub from an I4GL WSDL

Use the I4GL WSDL located on the Axis server to generate the Genero web service client stub via the tool called fglwsdl.

For example, the WSDL file of the I4GL zipcode demo is located on $INFORMIXDIR/AXIS2C/services/ws_zipcode/zipcode_details.wsdl. So run the following command:
$ fglwsdl -noFacets zipcode_details.wsdl

It will generate these two Genero files:

  • ws_zipcode_zipcode_detailsservice.4gl
    • It contains the Genero functions to connect to the server in SOAP over HTTP.
    • Take a look at the file if you are interested in Genero HTTP and XML low-level APIs.
    • It contains the Genero data types and variables used for XML serialization.
    • Take a look at the file if you are interested in Genero XML to BDL variable mapping.
Note: Option -noFacets is required for this demo because the I4GL CHAR data type will be generated as string in Genero, which can lead to XML serialization error if not present.