Create and publish the Web services operation

Methods are available in the Genero Web Services library (com) to:

  • Define the Web Service, by creating a WebService object

  • Define the Web Services operation for your function, by creating a WebOperation object

  • Publish the operation - associate it with the Web Service object that you defined.

The com library must be imported into each module of a Web Services Server application.

The following abbreviated example is from the Web Services Server tutorial:
FUNCTION createservice()
    DEFINE serv  com.WebService    # A WebService
    DEFINE op    com.WebOperation  # Operation of a WebService

   --Create WebService object
   LET serv = com.WebService.CreateWebService("MyCalculator",

   --Create WebOperation object
   LET op = com.WebOperation.CreateRPCStyle("add", "Add", add_in, add_out)

   --Publish the operation, associating it with the WebService object
   CALL serv.publishOperation(op,NULL)

See the Writing a Web server application and Choosing a web services style for complete examples and explanations.