WINDDE API front calls
The DDE API is based on the front call technique.
The DDE API is based on the front call technology. All DDE functions are grouped in the WINDDE front end function module.
Function name | Description |
Important: This feature is deprecated, and may be removed
in a future version.
DDEConnect opens a DDE
connection. |
Important: This feature is deprecated, and may be removed
in a future version.
DDEExecute executes a DDE
command. |
Important: This feature is deprecated, and may be removed
in a future version.
DDEFinish closes a DDE
connection. |
Important: This feature is deprecated, and may be removed
in a future version.
DDEFinishAll closes all DDE
connections. |
Important: This feature is deprecated, and may be removed
in a future version.
DDEError returns error information about the last
DDE operation. |
Important: This feature is deprecated, and may be removed
in a future version.
DDEPeek retrieves data from the specified program
and document using the DDE channel. |
Important: This feature is deprecated, and may be removed
in a future version.
DDEPoke sends data to the specified program and
document using the DDE channel. |