Window position and size
Window objects can be created with a position and size for the TUI mode.
instruction for TUI mode specifies the position on the
OPEN WINDOW w1 AT 10,5 WITH FORM "custlist"
When using the TUI mode (or traditional GUI mode), the AT line,
clause defines the position of the top-left corner of the window on the
terminal screen and WITH lines ROWS,characters COLUMNS
specifies explicit vertical and horizontal dimensions for the window. The expression at the left of
the ROWS
keyword specifies the height of the window, in character unit lines. This
must be an integer between 1 and max, where max is the maximum number of lines that the screen can
display. The integer expression after the comma at the left of the COLUMNS
specifies the width of the window, in character unit columns. This must return a whole number
between 1 and length, where length is the number of characters that your monitor can display on one
line. In addition to the lines needed for a form, allow room for the COMMENT
the MENU
line, the MENU
comment line and the
line. The runtime system issues a runtime error if the window does not
include sufficient lines to display both the form and these additional reserved lines. The minimum
number of lines required to display a form in a window is the number of lines in the form, plus an
additional line below the form for prompts, messages, and comments.
When using the full GUI mode (without the traditional mode), the AT line,
clause is optional and if used, the WITH lines ROWS,
characters COLUMNS
clause is ignored, because the size of the window is
automatically calculated based on its contents.