Input fields Describes various concepts related to form field management in dialogs Input length of form fields Field input length defines the amount of characters the user can type in a form field. The buffered and unbuffered modes The buffered and unbuffered mode control the synchronization of program variables and form fields. Binding variables to form fields Some dialogs need program variables to store form field values. Form field initialization Form field initialization can be controlled by the WITHOUT DEFAULTS dialog option. Input field modification flag Each input field controlled by a dialog instruction has a modification flag. Reacting to field value changes This section describes the purpose of the ON CHANGE interaction block. Immediate detection of user changes This section describes the dialogtouched predefined action. Form-level validation rules Form-level validation rules can be defined for each field controlled by a dialog. Form field deactivation Identifying sub-dialogs in procedural DIALOG Sub-dialogs need to be identified by a name to distinguish the different contexts. Defining the tabbing order Control the order of tabbing through the fields with the TABINDEX attribute. Which form item has the focus? Identify what element of the current form has the focus. Giving the focus to a form element How to force the focus to move or stay in a specific form element using program code. Detection of focus changes Describes how to detect when the focus goes from field to field or to a read-only list. Enabling autocompletion Autocompletion allows a list of completion proposals to be displayed while the user is typing text into a field. Filling a COMBOBOX item list The item list of COMBOBOX fields can be initialized at runtime. Field-anchored windows The Window style attribute "position" can be set to "field" in order to display the window under the current field.