Using multiple dialogs Dialog coding concepts, configuration and code structure. Identifying sub-dialogs in procedural DIALOG Sub-dialogs need to be identified by a name to distinguish the different contexts. Structure of a procedural DIALOG block Procedural DIALOG block configuration Default actions created by a DIALOG block Default actions ease the implementation of the controller by providing expected actions. DIALOG data blocks Dialog data blocks are dialog triggers invoked when the dialog controller needs data to feed the view with values. DIALOG control blocks Dialog control blocks are predefined dialog triggers where you can implement specific code to control the interactive instruction. DIALOG interaction blocks Dialog interaction blocks are dialog triggers that can be used to execute specific code when the user executes an action in the dialog. For example, when pressing a button in the form, the corresponding ON ACTION interaction block will be executed. DIALOG control instructions Dialog control instructions are language instructions dedicated to dialog control, to programmatically force the dialog to behave in a given way.