The fglrichtext web component

The fglrichtext built-in web component implements an HTML text editor.

The fglrichtext built-in web component uses the gICAPI web component framework.

Figure: fglrichtext web component

Screenshot of a program using the fglrichtext web component

Using images in rich text content

The fglrichtext web component allows insertion of image resources into the text. This can be done with the image option of the toolbar, by copy/paste, or drag&drop operations.

When inserting an image resource from the local platform (for example, with the image option of the toolbar), the complete image content will be inserted as a base64 encoded object in the text.
Note: Inserting huge base64 encoded image data can lead to performance issues.

When inserting an image resource from a copy/paste from a web resource (like an HTML page), only the URL of the image resource is inserted in the text. If this URL is no longer available, the image will disappear from the text.

Defining the fglrichtext web component in the form file

In your .per form definition file, define the HTML text editor as a WEBCOMPONENT form item with the COMPONENTTYPE attribute set to the "fglrichtext" value.

The fglrichtext web component provides its own built-in scrollbars. Therefore, the SCROLLBARS attribute can be set to NONE.

Use SIZEPOLICY=FIXED and STRETCH=BOTH, to get a text editor that is resized with the parent window.

For example:

[rt                     ]
[                       ]
[                       ]
  COMPONENTTYPE = "fglrichtext",
    toolbar = "bold|italic|underline|undo|redo"

Properties of the fglrichtext

The fglrichtext web component supports the following PROPERTIES:
  1. toolbar: Defines the toolbar elements layout.
  2. autoflush / autoflush_interval: Defines an action and timer for auto flushing the value.
  3. spellcheck: Defines the spell checking in the fglrichtext.
  4. noteditable: Defines id the fglrichtext is read-only.
  5. Properties to define the default font:
    • font_family: Defines the default font family.
    • font_size: Defines the default font size.
    For details, see Specifying the default font.
  6. Properties to localize fglrichtext labels:
    • labels_toolbar_tooltips: Defines the texts to be displayed for toolbar tooltips.
    • labels_toolbar_link: Defines the labels to be displayed for the link popup dialog.
    • labels_toolbar_linespacing: Defines the texts for line spacing options.
    • labels_toolbar_formatselect: Defines the texts to be format options.
    For details, see Localizing rich text component strings.

Configuring the toolbar

Define the controls to be used in the editor toolbar with the toolbar property in the PROPERTIES attribute.

Toolbar items must be separated with a pipe:
    toolbar = "bold|italic|underline|undo|redo|emoji"

The fglrichtext web component supports the following toolbar items:

Table 1. fglrichtext toolbar options
Option name Description

Centers the current block or image.


Justifies the current block or image.


Left aligns the current block or image.


Removes the alignment of the current block or image and left aligns it.


Right aligns the current block or image.


Applies the bold format to the current selection.


Formats the current selection as a bullet list.


Applies text color to selection. This opens a color picker pop-up, allowing you to choose text and/or background color.

emoji Opens a picker for selecting an emoji to insert into the field.
Important: Emoji are not simple images, they are Unicode characters. They may look different depending on the display device, and may not be supported on some systems. If your device does not handle emoji, you may need to install fonts that handle emoji characters.

Dropdown list with font families to apply to selection.


Dropdown list with font sizes to apply to selection.


Dropdown list with block formats to apply to selection.


Indents the current list item or block element.


Inserts an image resource found on the local platform.


Create and delete links.


Applies the italic format to the current selection.


Defines the line spacing of a selected text.


Formats the current selection as a numbered list.


Outdents the current list item or block element.


Redoes the last undo operation.


Removes the formatting from the current selection.


Applies strike though format to the current selection.


Applies the underline format to the current selection.


Undoes the last operation.

Using the spell checker

The fglrichtext web component can be configured for spell checking with the spellcheck property of the PROPERTIES attribute:
    spellcheck = "browser"
The spellcheck property can be set to the following values:
  • "browser" (default): This will enable the intrinsic spell checking of the browser.
  • "none": No spell checking is required for this rich text field.
Important: The spellcheck property is supported by the GDC and GBC. It is not supported by GMI or GMA.
Note: GDC has specific features regarding spell checking in web components. For example, in GDC 3.10 there is a limited set of supported languages, and if spellcheck is disabled in the web component, enabling the feature in the context menu will have no effect. For more details, see the Spellchecking in Web Components topic in the Genero Desktop Client User Guide.

Auto-flushing the rich text content

By default, the text value of an fglrichtext field is only flushed to the runtime system, when focus leaves the field or when firing an action.

The autoflush property of the PROPERTIES attribute allows you to define a user action to be fired every autoflush_interval seconds, when the text is changed. The default for autoflush_interval is 10 seconds.
Note: When the user enters text, the autoflush action will be fired every autoflush_interval seconds. After the autoflush action is sent, if the user does not modify the text, no action will be fired until the user starts again to type text. This way, the network traffic is optimized.
    autoflush = "save_text",
    autoflush_interval = 5  -- Flush every 5 seconds

In the program code, implement an ON ACTION handler using the action name that matches the autoflush property of the WEBCOMPONENT field. When the action is fired, the rich text will be available in the WEBCOMPONENT field value. Use the UNBUFFERED dialog mode to have the text automatically copied into the program variable bound to the form field:

INPUT BY NAME rec.richtext, -- Variable bound to the WEBCOMPONENT form field
      ATTRIBUTES(UNBUFFERED) -- To get the input buffer copied into the variable
      UPDATE ord_info SET oi_comment = rec.richtext
             WHERE oi_pkey = curr_pkey

Auto-flush can for example be used to implement automatic backup of the text content.

Defining the rich text field as read-only

Like with the TEXTEDIT NOTEDITABLE attribute, it is possible to make the fglrichtext web component read-only, by defining the noteditable property:
    noteditable = true

Specifying the default font

Default font attributes can be selected for the fglrichtext web component by using the following properties:
Table 2. Default font properties
Property name Values
font_family Monospace, Sans serif, Serif, Roboto
font_size nnnpx
For example:
   font_family = "Monospace",
   font_size = "25px"

The font_size defines the px unit, otherwise, the property will be ignored.

If the toolbar items fontselect / fontsizeselect are used, they will display the font family and font size defined by the properties, when the fglrichtext initializes.

If the user moves the edit cursor to a text element that uses a different font to the one specified with these attributes, the richtext will reset the current font settings to match that text element.

Localizing rich text component strings

The toolbar button tooltips, combobox items, and popup dialog labels of the fglrichtext web component can be localized with dedicated properties.

Note: Consider using localized strings to define the texts in external string ressource files.
For each context, the texts must be provided as a set of JSON formatted key/value pairs, where the key identifies the element to get the text:
label-localization-property = '{ "item-name" : "item-label" [,...] }'
Table 3. Properties for fglrichtext string localization and related item identifiers
Property name Items/Keys
labels_toolbar_tooltips "aligncenter", "alignjustify", "alignleft", "alignnone", "alignright", "bold", "bullist", "color", "backgroundcolor", "emoji", "fontselect", "fontsizeselect", "formatselect", "title", "image", "indent", "insert", "numlist", "outdent", "redo", "removeformat", "strikethrough", "underline", "undo", "linespacing"
labels_toolbar_link "save", "label", "edit", "visit", "remove"
labels_toolbar_linespacing "small", "normal", "large", "huge"
labels_toolbar_formatselect "heading", "normal"
Note: For combobox items like with labels_toolbar_linespacing, the item/key names must be specified in lowercase ( "small":"Petit", not "Small":"Petit" )

For example (not using localized strings):

   labels_toolbar_tooltips = '{ "aligncenter":"Centré", "alignjustify":"Justifié",  ... }'
   labels_toolbar_link = '{"save":"OK","label":"Entrez un lien:"}'
   labels_toolbar_linespacing = '{"small":"Petit","normal":"Normal","large":"Grand", ... }'
   labels_toolbar_formatselect = '{"heading":"Titre","normal":"Normal"}'
Example using localized strings:
labels_toolbar_tooltips = %"rtlabels.toolbar.tooltips"
and then in the .str file:
rtlabels.toolbar.tooltips = '{ "aligncenter":"Centré", "alignjustify":"Justifié", ... }'