Coverage tool usage

This topic describes how to use the code coverage feature.

Steps to get coverage information

Follow the next steps to collect and interpret coverage data:
  1. Delete all existing coverage data files (*.42m.cov)
  2. Enable coverage data file generation by setting the FGLCOV environment variable.
  3. Execute your program several times (with fglrun): This will produce module.42m.cov files.
  4. Use the fglrun --merge-cov command, to merge module.42m.cov coverage data files and module.4gl source files, to produce readable coverage information files (module.4gl.cov)
  5. Inspect the module.4gl.cov to find how many times source code lines are executed.

Cleanup coverage data files

Before starting a new coverage data collection session, remove existing *.42m.cov data files.

$ rm -f *.42m.cov

Enable coverage data generation

Before starting a program, set the FGLCOV environment variable, to instruct fglrun to produce coverage data files:
$ export FGLCOV=1
In this topic, we will use the following program sample, to show how coverage data is produced:
Note: Pay attention to the line containing the IF FALSE THEN instruction: This will illustrate how unreachable lines are detected.
   FOR i=1 TO 10
       IF i MOD 2 == 0 THEN
          CALL func1()
       END IF

FUNCTION func1()
   DISPLAY "Hello"
      DISPLAY "... world!"
A coverage data file (module.42m.cov) will be created for each module (module.42m), when running a program:
$ fglcomp prog.4gl

$ fglrun prog

$ ls prog.*
prog.42m  prog.42m.cov  prog.4gl

The coverage data file is created in the directory where the module is found.

Important: Coverage information is collected for several program executions: If a module.42m.cov file exist for a module, the execution count of source code lines will be summed up.

Merge coverage data with source files

The .42m.cov coverage data files contain only numbers. In order to interpret coverage data properly, you need to merge the coverage data files with the source file, by using the fglrun --merge-cov command:

$ fglrun --merge-cov prog.4gl
fglcov: prog.4gl.cov created
Note: If the .4gl source file and the .42m.cov coverage data file are not located in the same directory as the .42m module, specify the full path the coverage data file as second parameter for the --merge-cov option:
fglrun --merge-cov mymodule.4gl ../dist/lib/mymodule.42m.cov
After a first time program execution, the resulting prog.4gl.cov file contains:
        -:    1:MAIN
        -:    2:   DEFINE i INTEGER
       11:    3:   FOR i=1 TO 10
       10:    4:       IF i MOD 2 == 0 THEN
        5:    5:          CALL func1()
        -:    6:       END IF
        -:    7:   END FOR
        1:    8:END MAIN
        -:    9:
        -:   10:FUNCTION func1()
        5:   11:   DISPLAY "Hello"
        5:   12:   IF FALSE THEN
    =====:   13:      DISPLAY "... world!"
        -:   14:   END IF
        5:   15:END FUNCTION
In the above output, a couple of code coverage indicators can be interpreted as follows:
  • Line #2 shows a - (dash) indicator: The DEFINE statement is not reachable, because it is a declaration statement.
  • Line #3 shows the number 11: The FOR (head) instruction has been executed 11 times (10 + 1 = 11, to jump out of the loop)
  • Line #4 shows the number 10: The IF statement inside the FOR loop has been executed 10 times.
  • Line #13 shows =====: This line is reachable, but is never executed, since the parent IF condition always evaluates to FALSE.
By executing the sample program a second time, the existing coverage data files are completed with additional information:
$ fglrun prog
Merge again the data files with source files:
$ fglrun --merge-cov prog.4gl
fglcov: prog.4gl.cov created
And now check the new result file:
        -:    1:MAIN
        -:    2:   DEFINE i INTEGER
       22:    3:   FOR i=1 TO 10
       20:    4:       IF i MOD 2 == 0 THEN
       10:    5:          CALL func1()
        -:    6:       END IF
        -:    7:   END FOR
        2:    8:END MAIN
        -:    9:
        -:   10:FUNCTION func1()
       10:   11:   DISPLAY "Hello"
       10:   12:   IF FALSE THEN
    =====:   13:      DISPLAY "... world!"
        -:   14:   END IF
       10:   15:END FUNCTION

You can see that the execution counts of source code lines are summed up across program execution.