Layout tags

Layout tags define layout areas for containers inside the frame of a grid-based container.


  <type  [identifier]      >
[ <                        > ]
  1. type defines the kind of layout tag to be inserted at this position.
  2. identifier references a form item definition in the ATTRIBUTES section, it must be unique, but is optional.
  3. content defines other form items inside the layout tag.
  4. The (< >) ending the layout tag body is optional.


A layout tag defines a layout region of a container, in the body frame of a GRID container.

While complex layout with nested frames can be defined with HBOX and VBOX containers, it is sometimes more convenient to define a form with a complex layout by using layout tags within a GRID container.

A layout tag has a type that defines the kind of container generated in the compiled form.

A layout tag is delimited by angle brackets (<>), and contains the tag type (G/GROUP, T/TABLE, etc) and an optional identifier.

Table 1. Types of layout tags
Tag Type Abbr. Description
GROUP G Defines a group box layout tag, resulting in the same presentation as the GROUP container.
TABLE T Defines a table view layout tag, resulting in the same presentation as the TABLE container.
TREE N/A Defines a tree-view list view layout tag, resulting in the same presentation as the TREE container.
SCROLLGRID S Defines a scrollable grid layout tag, resulting in the same presentation as the SCROLLGRID container.
The details of the layout tag definition are specified in the ATTRIBUTE section. Layout tags must be identified by an item tag name. In the example, the layout tag named "g1" is defined in the ATTRIBUTE section with the GROUP form item type to set the name and text of the element:
<GROUP g1        >
[text1           ]
[                ]
[                ]
<                >
GROUP g1:group1, TEXT="Description";

In the ATTRIBUTES section, the group element definition is bound to the layout item tag with the name "g1". The AUI element name will be "group1". This name can then be used in programs to manipulate the group element, for example with ui.Form.setElementHidden("group1",1).

The layout region is a rectangle, in which the width is defined by the length of the layout tag, and the height by a closing tag (< >) . In the example, the layout region is defined by the layout tag named "group1".
<GROUP group1            >
<                        >

Form items must be placed inside the layout region. The [ ] square brackets are not part of the form item's width and can be place at the same X position as the layout tag delimiters:

<GROUP group1             >
 Item:     [f001          ]
 Quantity: [f002    ]    
 Date:     [f003          ]
<                         >
The [ ] square brace delimiters are not counted to define the width of an item tag. The width of the item is defined by the number of character between the square brackets. Thus, this layout is valid and can be compiled:
<GROUP group1            >
[f001                    ]
[f002                    ]
 Static labels must fit!! 
<                        >
<TABLE table1            >
[colA  |colB             ]
[colA  |colB             ]
[colA  |colB             ]
[colA  |colB             ]
You can place several layout tags on the same layout line in order to split the frame horizontally. This example defines six layout regions (four group boxes and two tables):
<GROUP group1      ><GROUP group2               ><GROUP group4 >
 FName: [f001      ] Phone: [f004               ][f012         ]
 LName: [f002      ] EMail: [f005               ][             ]
<                  ><                           >[             ]
<GROUP group3                                   >[             ]
[f010                                           ][             ]
<                                               ><             >
<TABLE table1               ><TABLE table2                     >
[c11   |c12   |c13          ][c21   |c22                       ]
[c11   |c12   |c13          ][c21   |c22                       ]
[c11   |c12   |c13          ][c21   |c22                       ]
[c11   |c12   |c13          ][c21   |c22                       ]
<                           ><                                 >

The < > closing layout tag is optional. When not specified, the end of the layout region is defined by the underlying layout tag or by the end of the current grid. However, the ending tag must be specified if the form compiler cannot detect the end of the layout region. This is usually the case with group layout tags.

In the example, the table does not need an ending layout tag because it is defined by the starting tag of the group, but the group needs an ending tag otherwise it would include the last field ( field3 ). Additionally, if field3 had a different size, the form compiler would raise an error because the group and the last field geometry would conflict.
<TABLE table1     >
[colA  |colB      ]
[colA  |colB      ]
[colA  |colB      ]
[colA  |colB      ]
[colA  |colB      ]
[colA  |colB      ]
<GROUP group2     >
[field1           ]
[field2           ]
<                 >
[field3           ]
It is possible to mix container layout tags with singular form items. You typically put form items using a large area of the form, such as IMAGE fields or TEXTEDIT fields. The [ ] square brace delimiters are not used to compute the size of the singular form items:
<GROUP group1            >[image1         ]
 FName: [f001            ][               ]
 LName: [f002            ][               ]
<                        >[               ]
[textedit1                |               ]
[                         |               ]
[                         |               ]
Table layout tags can be embedded inside group layout tags:
<GROUP group1           >
 <TABLE table1         >
 [colA  |colB          ]
 [colA  |colB          ] 
 [colA  |colB          ] 
 [colA  |colB          ]
<                       >

Hbox or vbox containers with splitter are automatically created by the form compiler in these conditions:

  • Hbox is created when two or more stretchable elements are stacked side by side and touch each other (no space between).
  • Vbox is created when two or more stretchable elements are stacked vertically and touch each other (no space between).

Stretchable elements are containers such as TABLE containers, or form items like IMAGE fields with the STRETCH attribute.

No hbox or vbox object will be created if the elements are in a SCROLLGRID container.

This example defines two tables stacked vertically, generating a VBox with splitter (note that ending tags are omitted):
<TABLE table1     >
[colA  |colB      ]
[colA  |colB      ]
[colA  |colB      ]
[colA  |colB      ]
<TABLE table2     >
[colC  |colD      ]
[colC  |colD      ]
In this example, the layout defines two stretchable TEXTEDIT fields placed side by side which would generate an automatic hbox with splitter. To make both textedits touch you need to use a pipe delimiter in between:
[textedit1         |textedit2                ]
[                  |                         ]
[                  |                         ]
[                  |                         ]
The next layout example would make the form compiler create an automatic vbox with splitter to hold table2 and textedit1 , plus an hbox with splitter to hold table1 and the first VBox (We must use a pipe character to delimit the end of colB and textedit1 so that both tables can be placed side by side):
<TABLE table1     ><TABLE table2           >
[colA  |colB      ][colC|colD              ]
[colA  |colB      ][colC|colD              ]
[colA  |colB      ][colC|colD              ]
[colA  |colB      |textedit1                ]
[colA  |colB      |                         ]
[colA  |colB      |                         ]
If you want to avoid automatic hbox or vbox with splitter creation, you must add blanks between elements:
<TABLE table1     >  <TABLE table2           >
[colA  |colB      ]  [colC|colD              ]
[colA  |colB      ]  [colC|colD              ]
[colA  |colB      ]  [colC|colD              ]
[colA  |colB      ]
[colA  |colB      ] [textedit1                ]
[colA  |colB      ] [                         ]
[colA  |colB      ] [                         ]


The typical OK/Cancel window:

<GROUP g1                   >
[com                        ]
<                           >
[            :bok   |bno    ]
LABEL com: comment;
BUTTON bok: accept;
BUTTON bno: cancel;

This example shows multiple uses of layout tags:

<GROUP g1                          ><GROUP g2         >
 Ident: [f001   ] [f002            ] [text1           ]
 Addr:  [f003                      ] [                ]
<                                  ><                 >
<GROUP g3                                             >
[text2                                                ]
[                                                     ]
[                                                     ]
<                                                     >
<TABLE t1                                             >
  Num      Name               State  Value 
[col1    |col2              |col3  |col4              ]
[col1    |col2              |col3  |col4              ]
[col1    |col2              |col3  |col4              ]
[col1    |col2              |col3  |col4              ]
<                                                     >
GROUP g1:group1, TEXT="Customer";
GROUP g2:group2, TEXT="Comments";